Download my software online

The most current release version of Surfer, Grapher, Voxler, or Strater can be downloaded on our website at Alternatively, you can always find the most current version of any product you own (including preview versions) in your My Account portal. 

The oldest versions offered for download in the My Account portal are Surfer 8, Grapher 5, Strater 3, Voxler 2, MapViewer 7, and Didger 4. To see your products on the My Products page, you must either be the software owner or have registered the software to yourself. To download your software from My Account:

  1. Navigate to the MyAccount page.
  2. In the Existing Customers section, type in your Email Address and Password then click Sign In. If you have not logged into My Account before, or can't recall your password, follow the instructions here to set up a new password for the email address your license is registered to.
  3. Click the My Products button as shown below, or the My Products link in the list to the left. mceclip0.png
  4. In the Products section(s), click on your desired license to view the product details.
  5. In the Download tab, click the Download <product name> installer link to download the software.

To download software released prior to 2012, please contact Golden Software.


Updated September 2023

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