Cheat Sheet to Free Base Map and Elevation Data (webinar)


Finding base maps and elevation data can be elusive and time-consuming task. If you create maps and models, you have probably struggled with this from time-to-time. Acquiring data and grid files for use in your projects can be difficult - there are so many websites and servers to choose from! Where should you even begin?

In this webinar you will be guided through various approaches to quickly locate base map files, download imagery, and acquire terrain data from different online resources such as the USGS National Map Viewer, WFS servers, OSM servers, and WMS servers.


Download the data and learn where to find free base map data such as:

  • Vector layers
  • Point clouds
  • Aerial Imagery 

By following along you will also learn how to download that data from external websites and servers, and how to load downloaded data into Surfer. CLICK HERE to download the data


Websites used:

Golden Software Hosted Boundary Files


Natural Earth

USGS National Map Server



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