You can download boundary files directly within Surfer by clicking the Home | New Map | Base | Base from Server command. Select a server layer that contains vector data.
Golden Software also has a variety of free downloads available for use in Surfer, including boundary files and base maps. These are available from Once you've downloaded the file, unzip the folder if necessary, then open in Surfer using the Home | New Map | Base | Base command.
The boundary files available for download include:
City - Point location of cities.
DLG 2000 - USGS Digital Line Graph files.
US County 2000 - United States county boundaries and data (2000 census).
DLG 2000 - USGS Digital Line Graph files.
US County 2000 - United States county boundaries and data (2000 census).
US County 2010 - United States county boundaries and data (2010 census).
US Miscellany - Miscellaneous United States boundary files.
US PLSS - Townships of the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) for 30 states.
US Roads 2010 - Major roads and highways of the United States.
World Administrative 2009 - Boundary files of many countries of the world, with first-level administrative divisions.
World Miscellany - Miscellaneous world boundary files.
ZIP3_2000 - Three digit US ZIP code boundaries.
US Miscellany - Miscellaneous United States boundary files.
US PLSS - Townships of the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) for 30 states.
US Roads 2010 - Major roads and highways of the United States.
World Administrative 2009 - Boundary files of many countries of the world, with first-level administrative divisions.
World Miscellany - Miscellaneous world boundary files.
ZIP3_2000 - Three digit US ZIP code boundaries.
ZIP5_2000 - Five digit US ZIP code boundaries.
If you do not find what you need, we suggest searching the web for boundary files. Try starting with our Useful Links knowledge base article.
Updated February 13, 2024
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