Permanently Expired Maintenance for Perpetual Software Licenses

Once software maintenance on your perpetual Surfer or Grapher license is expired for 3 years or more, the maintenance subscription is considered “Not Renewable.” This means you cannot renew software maintenance at the maintenance renewal rate and must purchase a new license to receive all of the below software maintenance benefits: 

  • New Releases: Receive free upgrades to new versions. New versions include feature enhancements, improved performance, as well as new functionality. 
  • Priority Technical Support: We are here to help! Contact us to receive answers to any of your Golden Software® questions.
  • Training Class Access: Receive access to on-demand training.
  • Free PDF User's Guide: Log in to My Account to download the latest PDF user guide.
  • Priority Notifications: Be among the first to know about exclusive Golden Software deals and promotions.
  • Beta Program/Preview Track: Be the first to use new features in the beta/preview versions of our software.
  • Predictable Budgeting: Include predictable annual payments into your budget planning cycle.

Don’t lose your maintenance benefits!* It is cheaper to "catch up" and keep your software maintenance "active" than it is to buy a brand new license every 3 years.  Renew today and don't miss out on your last chance to save.

*Please note that perpetual Surfer and Grapher licenses include one year of Software Maintenance (see Terms of Use). Your Surfer or Grapher perpetual license may be used in perpetuity even if your Software Maintenance Subscription has expired. Free upgrades and new releases, Priority Technical Support, Beta Program/Preview Track, and other benefits are exclusive to "active" maintenance subscriptions.

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