Surfer Beta Version History

Official version history and changelog information for the current version of Surfer Beta.


Surfer Beta 29.0.206 (November 9, 2024)

  • Everything included in 28.2.275 update

New Features and Improvements

  • 3D View: Faster redraw for drillhole visualizations
  • Set Limits command is added to the right click context menu


  • 3D View: Contour slice: Too many color scales
  • 3D View: Contour slice: changes aren't applied unless you click Apply first
  • 3D View: Contour slice: Levels page not updating properly, causing incorrect property changes
  • 3D View: Color Scale: Labels: underline doesn't show when color scale is horizontal
  • Text: Math text instructions not processed properly after pasting text
  • Crash when rendering labelled contour line after undo

Surfer Beta 29.0.169 (September 6, 2024)

New Features and Improvements

  • 3D View:
    • Drillholes: color interval data using a text keyword (e.g. lithology)
    • create contour slices through 3D grids
    • 3D PDF/VRML export: added option to mitigate precision issues when XY values are very large
    • faster redraw for color scales, volume renders, and large grids
    • remember settings when turning layers off/on in the 2D plot view
  • Base from Server:
    • integrated Google Maps servers
    • integrated OSM servers
  • Text objects:
    • Link text objects to dates, filenames, filepaths, and worksheet cell contents with the ability to refresh
    • updated the Text Editor icon with a pencil instead of a Σ


  • Axis Properties: too many decimal points were sometimes displayed (e.g. 0.00000000001 instead of simply 0)
  • Base from Server: if the base was selected when adding the layer, the legend came in backwards and inside the base map


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