Create a line/scatter plot in Grapher via automation

To create a line/scatter plot:

  1. Copy the script below.
  2. Open Grapher and turn on the Script Manager by clicking View | Display | Script Manager.
  3. Press Ctrl+A to select all of the existing lines in the Script Manager and then press DELETE.
  4. Press Ctrl+V to paste it into the Script Manager.
  5. Click the Start/Resume icon () in the Script Manager.

Sub Main

'Declares Objects
Dim GrapherApp, Plot, Graph, LinePlot As Object

'Create an instance of Grapher named "GrapherApp"
Set GrapherApp = CreateObject("Grapher.Application")

'Make Grapher visible
GrapherApp.Visible = True

'Create a new plot document named "Plot"
Set Plot = GrapherApp.Documents.Add(grfPlotDoc)

'Create a new graph with a single line plot
Set Graph = Plot.Shapes.AddLinePlotGraph(GrapherApp.Path + "\Samples\bar chart orientations.dat")

'Set the line plot to the variable named "LinePlot"
Set LinePlot = Graph.Plots.Item(1)

'Set the X and Y columns
LinePlot.xCol = 1
LinePlot.yCol = 2

'Adjust properties of the X axis
Set XAxis1 = Graph.Axes.Item(1)
XAxis1.title.text = ""
XAxis1.AutoMin = False
XAxis1.Min = 1
XAxis1.Tickmarks.MajorSpacingAuto = False
XAxis1.Tickmarks.MajorSpacing = 5
XAxis1.Tickmarks.MinorSide = grfTicksBottomLeft
XAxis1.Tickmarks.MinorDivision = 5

'Adjust properties of the Y axis
Set YAxis1 = Graph.Axes.Item(2)
YAxis1.title.text = ""
YAxis1.Tickmarks.MinorDivision = 4
YAxis1.Grid.AtMinorTicks = True = "Dots"
YAxis1.Grid.MinorLine.foreColor = grfColorBlack30

'Changes the line color
LinePlot.line.foreColor = grfColorNavyBlue

'Display a symbol at every data point on the plot
LinePlot.symbolFreq = 1

'Set the Fill pattern and color
LinePlot.Fill.foreColor = grfColorNavyBlue
LinePlot.Fill.ForeOpacity = 10

End Sub


Updated August 2019

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