Sub Main 'Declares Objects Dim GrapherApp, Plot, Graph, LinePlot, SplineFit, LinePlot2 As Object 'Create an instance of Grapher named "GrapherApp" Set GrapherApp = CreateObject("Grapher.Application") 'Make Grapher visible GrapherApp.Visible = True 'Create a new plot document named "Plot" Set Plot = GrapherApp.Documents.Add(grfPlotDoc) 'Create a new graph with a single line plot Set Graph = Plot.Shapes.AddLinePlotGraph(GrapherApp.Path + "\Samples\bar chart orientations.dat") 'Set the line plot to the variable named "LinePlot" Set LinePlot = Graph.Plots.Item(1) 'Set the X and Y columns LinePlot.xCol = 1 LinePlot.yCol = 2 'Adjust properties of the X axis Set XAxis1 = Graph.Axes.Item(1) XAxis1.title.text = "" XAxis1.AutoMin = False XAxis1.Min = 1 XAxis1.Tickmarks.MajorSpacingAuto = False XAxis1.Tickmarks.MajorSpacing = 5 XAxis1.Tickmarks.MinorSide = grfTicksBottomLeft XAxis1.Tickmarks.MinorDivision = 5 'Adjust properties of the Y axis Set YAxis1 = Graph.Axes.Item(2) YAxis1.title.text = "" YAxis1.Tickmarks.MinorDivision = 4 YAxis1.Grid.AtMinorTicks = True = "Dots" YAxis1.Grid.MinorLine.foreColor = grfColorBlack30 'Add a spline fit Set SplineFit = LinePlot.AddFit(grfSplineFit) SplineFit.line.width = 0.02 = ".1 in. Dash" 'Add a second line plot to graph and name it "LinePlot2" Set LinePlot2 = Graph.AddLinePlot(GrapherApp.Path + "\Samples\bar chart orientations.dat",1,3) 'Changes the line color LinePlot2.line.foreColor = grfColorDustyPlum 'Changes some clipping properties LinePlot.Clipping.XMinMode = grfClipCustom LinePlot.Clipping.xMin = 6 LinePlot.Clipping.XMaxMode = grfClipAxis 'Reset the clipping to None LinePlot.Clipping.XMinMode = grfClipNone LinePlot.Clipping.XMaxMode = grfClipNone 'Display vertical error bars from a data file LinePlot.ErrorBars.VertBarType = grfReadFromData LinePlot.ErrorBars.VertBarCol = 3 LinePlot.ErrorBars.line.width = 0 LinePlot.ErrorBars.line.foreColor = grfColorBlack70 'Turn on the display of the labels at the vertical center of the symbol LinePlot.Labels.ShowLabels = True LinePlot.Labels.VAlign = grfAlignVCenter 'Display a symbol at every data point on the plot LinePlot2.symbolFreq = 1 'Use a column to determine the symbol number LinePlot2.SymbolCol = 3 'Rotate the symbols LinePlot2.SymbolAngle = 45 'Turn off the symbol column LinePlot2.SymbolCol = -1 'Change some symbol properties LinePlot2.symbol.Index = 6 LinePlot2.symbol.size = 0.15 LinePlot2.symbol.Fill.foreColor = grfColorDustyPlum LinePlot2.symbol.line.foreColor = grfColorWhite 'Get the symbol from a symbol table with repeating symbols LinePlot2.UseSymbolTable = True LinePlot2.LoadSymbolTable(GrapherApp.Path + "\Samples\SymbolTable.gst") LinePlot2.RepeatSymbols = True 'Turn off the symbol table LinePlot2.UseSymbolTable = False 'Change the line color LinePlot.line.foreColor = grfColorNavyBlue 'Set the Fill pattern and color LinePlot.Fill.SetPattern("Solid") LinePlot.Fill.foreColor = grfColorNavyBlue LinePlot.Fill.ForeOpacity = 10 'Set the fill direction to fill above the line plot LinePlot.FillDirection = grfFillUp 'Set a custom Fill Cutoff Value LinePlot.FillCutoffAuto = False LinePlot.FillCutoffValue = 20 'Changes the fill direction LinePlot.FillDirection = grfFillDown 'Calculate area using baseline 20 Debug.Print "Area above baseline (20) = " + LinePlot2.Area(20) Debug.Print "Area below baseline (20) = " + LinePlot2.NegArea(20) 'Change the line plot to a step plot LinePlot2.SetPlotType(grfStepPlot) End Sub