Grapher Install Errors

A list of install errors sometimes seen with Grapher is provided below. Click the error message you're seeing to view information about resolving the error message.


"Error reading setup initialization file" or "The setup file may be corrupt"

The "Error reading Setup Initialization File" and "The setup file may be corrupt" errors usually result from an unsuccessful download. Sometimes an installer package will appear to have downloaded successfully because no error message was given. But an error message is not always shown for unsuccessful downloads. EXE files contain enough information to start running, but it will only get far enough to provide the error message shown above. Since it does not have the complete file content, it will not read the setup initialization file.

Right-click over the EXE file you downloaded and go to Properties. Confirm that the Size of the file you have matches the size listed below. If it is not, please try downloading the file again. Potential causes are Antivirus or Firewall software blocking a piece of the download. If that is the case, you may have to turn down the security settings or download the EXE on a machine that has looser security.
File size of the current versions of the software download EXE file:
  • Grapher 24.3: 71.1 MB (74,581,960 bytes)
  • Grapher 24.2: 71.1 MB (74,563,672 bytes)
  • Grapher 24.1: 72.3 MB (75,832,848 bytes)
  • Grapher 23.2: 72.7 MB (78,607,096 bytes)
  • Grapher 22.1: 65.8 MB (69,045,840 bytes)
  • Grapher 21.2: 88.6 MB (92,983,304 bytes)
  • Grapher 20.2: 89.4 MB (93,761,560 bytes) 
  • Grapher 19.4: 86.8 MB (91,019,592 bytes)
  • Grapher 18.4: 86.6 MB (90,857,176 bytes)
  • Grapher 17.6: 107 MB (112,507,512 bytes)
  • Grapher 16.8: 105 MB (110,756,088 bytes)
  • Grapher 15.5: 102 MB (107,681,744 bytes)
  • Grapher 14.6: 101 MB (106,295,624 bytes)
  • Grapher 13.4: 96.4 MB (101,139,920 bytes)
  • Grapher 12.7 (product key): 103 MB (108,397,144 bytes)


Error 1327. Invalid Drive: P:\

The error message “Error 1327. Invalid drive: P:\” indicates that there is an unrecognized drive letter assigned to your hard drive or CD.  The drive letter will vary depending on the computer. This could be because the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive letter has changed since a previous install, or you have changed the drive letter of the hard disk that the operating system is installed on, for example, the C drive.
To resolve this issue you must re-assign the original letter to the CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, or operating system drive.
A Google search for “error 1327” yields the following results: These sites report several ways to rename the drive letter on your hard drive and CD, depending on your version of Windows.


Invalid Configuration File

The "Invalid configuration file" error when running the File | Online | Check for Update command is most likely caused by the application having problems contacting our update server due to a company firewall or proxy server.
If the firewall or proxy server issue cannot be resolved, you can download the full updated version from our MyAccount portal by following the instructions in this article.


Overlapped I/O operation in progress

If you are attempting to install Grapher and the install fails with an "Overlapped I/O operation is in progress." error message, it is most likely due to a Windows error caused by Microsoft security update KB2918614.
Microsoft recommends applying a hotfix released to address this issue. Refer to "The profile for the user is a temporary profile" error when you install a MSI package in Windows for the Microsoft hotfix.
Another solution is to remove the Windows update that triggered the error. To do this:
  1. Click the Windows Start button and select Control Panel.
  2. Click the Uninstall a program option.
  3. On the left side, click View installed updates.
  4. In the search box at the top-right search for KB2918614.
  5. Click on the update if it is found and uninstall it.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for KB3072630, KB3000988, and KB3008627.
  7. Reboot the computer and try installing Grapher again.


This app can't run on your PC. To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher.

The error message "This app can't run on your PC. To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher." may mean that the operating system on which you are attempting to install Grapher is not supported, or that the installation EXE file was not fully downloaded. The current version of Grapher requires Windows 7, 8 (excluding RT), 10 or higher.  Click here to see a full list of Grapher's minimum system requirements.
Additionally, sometimes company firewalls or virus checkers prevent the last few bytes of a file from being downloaded. If you can, try disabling the firewall or virus checker and then downloading the file again. If that does not help, please right click over the file you downloaded and click Properties. Submit a support request that includes the file name and the size of the file (in bytes).

VC++ runtime error

Grapher 12 and newer versions require the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables for Visual Studio 2015 to be installed prior to Grapher installation. If your machine does not include these runtimes, the Grapher installer will install them on your machine prior to installing Grapher.
If you receive an error that Grapher is unable to install the redistributables, you should:
  1. Cancel the Grapher installation.
  2. Manually download both the x64 and x86 files from Microsoft and install them.
  3. Run the Grapher installer again.


The requested operation requires elevation

The “The requested operation requires elevation” error when installing Grapher indicates that you do not have elevated privileges. This normally means the installation EXE file has not been run as an administrator, which is different than logging into the computer as Administrator. Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 allow you to log onto the computer with administrator rights, and also run the program as administrator.
If you are installing from the CD or USB:
  1. Log onto the computer as the Administrator.
  2. Browse to the CD or USB drive.
  3. Right-click on the setup.exe file and select Run as administrator from the pop-up context menu.
  4. Input the administrator password, if necessary and click OK.
  5. Continue the installation as normal.
If you are downloading the installation EXE file:
  1. Follow the download instructions you received, saving the file to your hard disk.
  2. Log onto the computer as the Administrator.
  3. Right-click over the EXE file and select Run as Administrator from the pop-up context menu.
  4. Input the administrator password, if necessary and click OK.
  5. Continue the installation as normal.

The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing

When you try to install Grapher, you may receive an This program cannot start because; api-ms-win-crt-runtime-[1-1-0.dll is missing error message. The issue is that the Microsoft KB2999226 (Universal CRT) which is part of the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 failed to install.
To resolve this issue:
  1. Install all Windows updates:
    1. Click the Windows Start button and select Control Panel.
    2. In the Search Control Panel, type Windows Update.
    3. Click on Windows Update.
    4. Click the Check for updates option.
    5. Install any updates that are available.
    6. Restart your computer.
    7. Repeat this step until no further Windows updates are found.
  2. Manually Download the Visual C++ Redistributable.
    1. For Windows 64-bit, download this redistributable file.
    2. For Windows 32-bit, download this redistributable file.
  3. Double-click on the downloaded EXE file. This is either vc_redist.x64.exe or vc_redist.x86.exe, depending on if you have a 64-bit or 32-bit version of Windows.
  4. After double-clicking on the EXE, select Uninstall.
  5. Reboot your computer.
  6. Double-click on the downloaded EXE file again. This is either vc_redist.x64.exe or vc_redist.x86.exe, depending on if you have a 64-bit or 32-bit version of Windows.
  7. After double-clicking on the EXE, select Install.
  8. Reboot the computer if prompted.
  9. Install Grapher using the normal download instructions.

"Error 1335. The cabinet file '' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used." followed by "Error 2350. FDI server error."

Errors 1335 and/or 2350 may occur during Grapher installation.

Error 1335. The cabinet file '' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.

followed by:
Error 2350. FDI server error.

They indicate that the Windows Installer program is causing the problem. Please see this Microsoft article for instructions on how to update your Windows Installer.

Once Windows Installer is updated, please reboot the computer and try installing the programs again.


Installation ended prematurely because of an error

The error message "Installation ended prematurely because of an error" is often resolved by performing a silent installation of the software.  Please complete the steps below to do this.

  1. Click the Windows Start button and select Run or click the Start Search box.
  2. Type the path to the Grapher installation file, similar to:

“c:\path_to_exe\Grapher_13_installer.exe” /s


This will install Grapher to the default directory with the default options. To create a log file, use the /L switch with the name of the log file. To change the installation directory, use the TARGETDIR switch with the name of the directory where you want to install. This would look like:

“c:\path_to_exe\ Grapher_13_installer.exe” /l=”c:\path_to_log\grapher.log” TARGETDIR=”c:\Custom_Path\Grapher 13” /s

If you still have questions, please submit a support request, and if possible, provide the Grapher_15_installer_log.txt located in the %Temp% directory.



"Unable to find program Update file InternetUpdate.exe, try repairing the installation."

If repairing the installation does not work, it is likely because this executable file accesses the internet and it is being blocked by an antivirus software. Please ensure the InternetUpdateu.exe file has been removed from quarantine then, try repairing the installation again.  If you continue to have trouble, please submit a support request and include your product key or serial number.


Installation/Update Error: "Source File Not Found" Or "Error Reading From File...Attrib.ini"

The error messages "source file not found" or "error reading from the file... Attrib.ini" indicate that there are still some old installer files left on your computer (they were not all removed during uninstallation), including the one in the error message (Attrib.ini). This error is solved by deleting the folder in the error message, in addition to other folders containing Grapher installer files.

Please complete the steps below to do this.

  1. If Grapher is not already uninstalled, then you can uninstall Grapher using the Control Panel | Uninstall a program function.
  2. After Grapher is uninstalled, open Windows Explorer/File Explorer.
  3. The path mentioned in the error is in a hidden folder, so double check to be sure you can see the hidden folders. Click Tools | Folder options in Windows Explorer. In the Folder Options dialog, click the View tab, and be sure Show hidden files, folders, and drives is selected and click OK.

  1. Then navigate to C:\ProgramData\Golden Software.
  2. Delete the Grapher folder and everything in it. This will be any installer files for Grapher.
  3. Reboot the computer.
  4. Now navigate to where the update file was downloaded (e.g. C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Golden Software\Grapher\<version>) or the full downloaded EXE file, right click over the EXE file and click Run as administrator. That will restart the installation process.


Updated Aug, 2022

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