Add ground surface to a Strater cross section

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Strater is officially retired, but you can still purchase additional licenses. Strater is sold as-is and will not receive updates, fixes, or new features. We will continue to provide limited email-only support for as long as possible. Please contact with any questions.


Add a land surface to your Strater cross section using the written steps and/or video below:

  1. Click View | View Properties and set the Reference Datum to Mean Sea Level, so your wells are displayed at the elevation listed in the collars table.
  2. Take a screenshot of your topography surface with grid lines showing height.
  3. Copy and paste it into your cross section (right click in white space in the Cross Section View window and clicking Paste. Make sure an object is not selected or you will not see the option to Paste). 
  4. Stretch it so the vertical scale is the same as the vertical scale of your cross section and horizontally it fits your cross section.
  5. Right click on the topography screenshot and select Order Objects | Move To Back.
  6. Delete your top layer in the Object Manager and click Cross Section | Create/Add | Connect Logs With Layers. Click the top of the top layer in the first well, then hold Shift and click between wells, following the topography line that's behind your cross section. When you get to the next well you just need to click (without holding Shift). When you're done with the top of the layer go back along the bottom, completing the polygon you're drawing.


Press play in the video below to watch the same steps. The video will start at the exact time the workflow beings. If you're interested in the entire webinar, download the data and follow along here


If you would like Strater to include this feature rather than using the workaround above, email us and let us know! Your feedback is very important to us.


Updated June 2020

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