New Features in Grapher

There are several new features in the latest release of Grapher! The top new features are listed below. A more complete list of the new features can be found on the Grapher Version History page. To see the features added to previous versions of Grapher, see the PDFs below.

If you're curious about how these new features can improve your workflow, download the Grapher Free Trial and test them out today! 


-Top Features in Grapher's Latest Release-

Move or Copy Document Pages

A longtime feature that has existed in Excel is coming to Grapher! Several users have expressed their desire to easily go between Plot Document and Pages on other documents. Now you can do so without a cumbersome copy/ paste maneuver!


image-20241009-201709.png image-20241009-202206.png

One doc, several pages

Several docs, one page per doc

Now users can easily shift around their pages and organize their documents to their hearts desire.


Crop Images

Here is a feature that needs no preamble: Image cropping! This longtime Surfer feature is sure to come in handy for Grapher users who insert images alongside their charts!!



File | Save All

Are you the kind of person who has 100 browser tabs open at once? Then this feature is for you! No bells and whistles, just a straightforward Save All option! 



Discoverability Improvements:

Plot Fill Gradient Properties


Gradient properties were previously hidden inside an accordion and under overridden properties, which confused users.

Text Editor Icon


New users rarely intuited the function of the old Sigma icon Σ. No more room for interpretation!

Multi-Plot Graphs

image-20240205-213156 (1).png

Users can instantly add plots to any Graph by clicking the familiar green + button! It even turns yellow when your mouse goes over it… New users will now visually grasp this functionality, leading to multi plot Graphs earlier in the user experience!


Updated October 2024

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What you see above is just what was added in the latest version of Grapher! Review the attachments below to see what was added to previous versions of Grapher 


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1 comment
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  • Congratulations on the continuing improvements in Grapher and Surfer. But.... Golden Software keeps forcing the imperial system instead of using the almost universal metric system. I've suggested a few times in the last 10 or more years that Golden Software should, at least, abide by the Windows region settings on the installation of Surfer or Grapher. The wrong units adversely impact the quality of the graphs and maps. 

    Regards, Paulo Rosman - Surfer and Grapher user since 1986.


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