Save and re-use gridding parameters in Surfer

Surfer allows you to save your gridding parameters to a file, then re-use the file at another time when gridding data. To do so:


Save settings:

  1. Click Home | Grid Data | Grid Data
  2. Navigate through the Grid Data dialog, ensuring all parameters are specified as you want to re-use them.
  3. On the final Output page, click the Save Settings.. button
  4. Choose a filename and location to save the .SRFGDS gridding settings file
  5. Click Save
  6. Click Finish to grid your data, if you wish.


Load settings:

  1. Click Home | Grid Data | Grid Data
  2. On the first Select Data page, click the Load Settings... button
  3. Navigate to your preferred SRFGDS file and click Open
  4. Click Finish to begin gridding with the saved settings


Updated November 2021

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