Calculate grid statistics for area inside or outside a closed shape

Calculate grid statistics for areas inside or outside a polygon, rectangle, ellipse, or other closed shape or set of closed shapes by following the instructions below.

  1. Click Grids | Info | Grid Info
  2. In the Grid Info dialog, choose a grid-based map from the Input Grid list, or click the Browse button to choose a new grid file. 
  3. Choose a Base(vector) layer from the Polygon Boundary list, or click the Browse button to choose a new vector file. The vector file/base layer can either be a single shape (polygon, rectangle, ellipse, etc.) or a complex polygon made up of multiple shapes.
  4. Specify whether you want the grid statistics calculated Inside or Outside of the shape(s), or Mixed based on the blanking flag values.
  5. Click OK to calculate the statistics. The results will be presented in the Grid Information Report.



Updated November 2021

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