Add a Color Table or Symbol Table Legend in Grapher

Points in a scatter plot can quickly and easily be differentiated by applying a symbol table. Similarly, colors in a bar chart or in certain other plot types can be distinguished using a color table.

To add a legend to a plot displaying fill colors from a color table:

  1. Select the plot in the Object Manager.
  2. Click on the Fill tab in the Property Manager.
  3. Verify that Use color table is checked, and then check Show color table legend.

Add a legend in Grapher to a plot showing fills defined by a color table.

Display a legend to show which fill colors represent which Color Table entries.

To add a legend to a plot displaying symbols from a symbol table:

  1. Select the plot in the Object Manager.
  2. Click on the Symbol tab in the Property Manager.
  3. Verify that Use symbol table is checked, and then check Show symbol table legend.

Add a legend in Grapher to a plot showing symbols defined by a symbol table.

Display a legend to show which symbols represent which Symbol Table entries.




Updated May 2023

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