Assigning Different Fill Colors Above and Below Intersecting Plots In Grapher

Grapher offers a number of plot fill options, including the ability to fill between plots using different fill properties. To color your chart based on how your plots intersect, follow the steps below. 
  1. In the Object Manager, click on the Graph.
  2. In the Property Manager, click the Fill tab. 
  3. In the Between Plots Fill Properties section, click the Add button next to Add fill.

  4. Next to Plot 1, click the drop-down menu to select the first plot to fill between.
  5. Next to Plot 2, click the drop-down menu to select the second plot to fill between.
  6. In the Fill style (Plot 1 > Plot 2) section, select the Pattern and Foreground color you want to use for the fill for where Plot 1 is greater than Plot 2. 
  7. In the Fill style (Plot 2 > Plot 1) section, select the Pattern and Foreground color you want to use for the fill where Plot 2 is greater that Plot 1. 




Updated May 2023

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