Add a Fit Curve to a Class Variable in a Class Scatter Plot in Grapher

You can define custom fits by adding a fit curve to one class, or to all classes in a class scatter plot. To do this, follow the steps below.

  1. In the Object Manager, select the class scatter plot you wish to add the fit curve to.
  2. Click Graph | Add to Graph | Fit Curve.
  3. In the Object Manager, select the fit curve object you just added.
  4. In the Property Manager, click the Plot tab.
  5. In the Fitted Plot section, in the Class field, either choose a specific class to fit the curve to, or select (All).

You may edit any aspect of the fit curve by selecting your curve in the Object Manager, and then editing its parameters (such as the Fit type and Plot Interval) in the Property Manager. More details on editing fit curves can be found here: Grapher Fit Curves Training Video


Updated April 2023

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