Label specific points on my plot in Grapher

To label specific points on a plot in Grapher, you will need to add labels to the worksheet in a new column.  You can then define the new column as the label column for the plot.

  1. Select your plot in the Object Manager.
  2. Click Graph Tools | Worksheet | Display.
  3. For each point that you would like labeled, enter the desired label in an empty column.

Worksheet with a label column

  1. If desired, enter a title for the label column in the header row.
  2. Click back to the plot document.
  3. With the plot still selected, click the Labels tab in the Property Manager.
  4. Set the Label column to the new column created above.
  5. Adjust the Label Position properties as desired.

Line/Scatter Plot with labels from a worksheet column.png


Updated March 2023

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