Now you can create two (or more) plots in Grapher that share one axis. To do so:
- Click Home | New Graph | <graph category> | <graph type>.
- In the Open Worksheet dialog, select the data file and click Open.
- Select the new graph or plot.
- Click Graph Tools | Add to Graph | Plot.
- In the Select Plot Type dialog, select the desired new plot type and click OK.
- In the Choose Axes dialog,
- If you want to share the X axis
- Set the X axis to the existing x axis (X Axis 1).
- Set the Y axis to Create new axis.
- Click the Position button.
- In the Position New Axis dialog, set the dropdown list to Y Axis 1, toggle Y Only in the Move section, and toggle At the top of (or At the bottom of, if desired).
- Click OK in the Position New Axis dialog.
- Click OK in the Choose Axes dialog.
- If you want to share the Y axis
- Set the Y axis to the existing y axis (Y Axis 1).
- Set the X axis to Create new axis.
- Click the Position button.
- In the Position New Axis dialog, set the dropdown list to X Axis 1, toggle X Only in the Move section, and toggle At the right of (or At the left of, if desired).
- Click OK in the Position New Axis dialog.
- Click OK in the Choose Axes dialog.
- If you want to share the X axis
- In the Open Worksheet dialog, select the data file and click Open.
- If desired, select the axes in the Object Manager and edit their properties in the Property Manager (for example, you can link the axes so they move together).
Updated March 2023
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