Many of our customers use Surfer in combination with other GIS software or work with clients that use other software packages. Therefore, exporting Surfer maps to a format that is supported by another program is key. This script loops through all the SRF files in a directory, and exports any contour maps within those SRF projects to Shapefile format. This script can be adjusted to export to DXF or another file format as desired.
To run this script:
- Copy the script below, or download the attached BAS file: Loop SRFs export SHP contours.bas.
- In a Windows Explorer window, navigate to C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Surfer.
- Double click on Scripter.exe to launch Scripter.
- Press Ctrl+A to select all of the existing lines then press DELETE.
- If you copied this script, press Ctrl+V to paste it into Scripter. If you downloaded it, click File | Open, select the BAS file from your downloads directory, and click Open.
- Change the file path, output file name, and data file extension in the User-defined variables section at the beginning of the script.
- Click Script | Run to run the script.
'=============================== 'Loop SRFs export SHP contours.bas '=============================== 'Opens all SRF file in directory, loops though Plot objects to find contour maps, 'and exports those contour maps to SHP '=============================== Sub Main Debug.Clear 'Initialize Surfer Dim Plot1, ContourLayer As Object Set SurferApp = CreateObject("surfer.application") SurferApp.Visible = True '=============================== 'User-defined variables '=============================== file_extension = "srf" file_directory = "C:\surfer\input\" outpath = "C:\surfer\output\" '=============================== 'Make sure the file extension has no extra "." and the data directory has a trailing "\" file_extension = LCase(Right(file_extension,(Len(file_extension) - InStrRev(file_extension,".")))) If Len(file_directory)-InStrRev(file_directory,"\") <> 0 Then file_directory = file_directory + "\" 'Set the variable "srf_file" equal to each SRF file in the directory srf_file = Dir( file_directory + "*." + file_extension) 'While there are still SRF file in the directory that haven't been opened with this script... While srf_file <> "" 'Declare Plot as an object and open an SRF file Set Plot1 = SurferApp.Documents.Open(file_directory + srf_file) 'Loop through all objects in the project For i = 1 To Plot1.Shapes.Count 'If the object is a map frame... If Plot1.Shapes.Item(i).Type = srfShapeMapFrame Then 'Loop through the items within the map frame For j = 1 To Plot1.Shapes.Item(i).Overlays.Count 'If the item is a contour map layer... If Plot1.Shapes.Item(i).Overlays.Item(j).Type = srfShapeContourMap Then 'Once you find a contour layer, get the naming convention set up Set ContourLayer = Plot1.Shapes.Item(i).Overlays.Item(j) 'Save the contour layer name to a variable layer_name = ContourLayer.Name 'Remove the file extension from the name layer_name = Left(layer_name, Len(layer_name)-4) 'Get the SRF Surfer project name, remove the extension, and add a dash srf_export_file = Left(srf_file, Len(srf_file)-(Len(srf_file)-InStrRev(srf_file,".")+1) ) + "-" 'Exports the contours to a 2D SHP file. File name is the SRF file name-Contour layer name.shp ContourLayer.ExportContours(FileName:=outpath + srf_export_file + layer_name + ".shp", Format:=srfConFormatShp2D) End If
Next j End If
Next i 'Print the Surfer file name Debug.Print srf_file 'Get next SRF file from the directory srf_file = Dir() Wend 'Close Surfer SurferApp.Quit End Sub
Updated November 2021
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