View drawn shapes in Surfer's 3D view window

To display drawn objects like text, points, polylines, and polygons in the 3D view, they must be included in a base layer in the map. To move drawn objects into a new base layer, use the Home | Clipboard | Move/Copy command, or, drag and drop the objects into a base layer. See steps for both methods below:

Method 1: Drag and drop 

  1. If you do not have a base layer you'd like to move the objects into, select the map and click Home | Add to Map | Layer | Empty Base.
  2. Click on the first drawn object in the Contents window, hold SHIFT, then click on the last drawn object. This will select them all.
  3. Click and drag the objects and drop them over the empty Base(vector) layer you just created. Your mouse will turn into a black arrow when it is over the Base(vector) layer. The base layer objects will take on the same coordinates as the Map object.
    Surfer drag and drop method


Method 2: Home | Clipboard | Move/Copy

  1. Select the map.
  2. Click Home | Add to Map | Layer | Empty Base.
  3. Click on the first drawn object in the Contents window, hold SHIFT, then click on the last drawn object. This will select them all.
  4. Click Home | Clipboard | Move/Copy.
  5. In the Move/Copy to Layer dialog, click in the Destination layer field and select the new Base(vector) layer.
  6. Click the desired Operation to select it and then click OK.
    Surfer move/copy method

Now the shapes will appear on the map when you create the 3D view.


In Surfer 15 and earlier versions it was not possible to move or copy objects directly to a base layer.  Use the workflow below to move drawn objects into a base layer in these versions of the software.

  1. Select the map.
  2. Click Home | Add to Map | Layer | Empty Base.
  3. Click on the first drawn object in the Contents window, hold SHIFT, then click on the last drawn object. This will select them all.
  4. Press CTRL+C to copy them.
  5. Select the new, empty base layer in the Contents window.
  6. Click Features | Group | Start Editing.
  7. Press CTRL+V to paste the drawn object onto the map.
  8. Use your mouse and/or the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the shapes to the correct location.
  9. Click Features | Group | Stop Editing.
  10. Click on the first drawn object in the Contents window, hold SHIFT, then click on the last drawn object. This will select them all.
  11. Press DELETE on your keyboard to delete them.

Now the shapes will appear on the map when you create the 3D view.


Updated November, 2021

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