What's New in Voxler 4?

KB no longer maintained - Voxler is a retired product. Golden Software retired products are still supported, but no longer receive new features or updates. Many of Voxler's features are moving to Surfer . Please contact support@goldensoftware.com with any questions.

We have compiled a list of some of the top new features in Voxler 4. This list is only a small sampling of the new features added to Voxler 4.



Drape GIS Data and Vector Maps over 3D Surfaces

Drape vector data over 3D surfaces to create valuable overlays of GIS data and other vector maps that include point, line, or polygon data. Simply import any one of the supported vector file formats (BLN, BNA, DXF, E00, GSB, GSI, KML, KMZ, MIF, or SHP) and drag the connector to a 3D surface module to overlay it on the 3D surface. Voxler offers vector overlay customizations, allowing full control of colors, line width, and opacity. All vector overlays are treated as true vectors, so zero pixilation occurs and the points, lines, and polygon borders look crisp and clean at any zoom level.

 Vector Drape 3Drape GIS data over a 3D topography surface (HeightField), like these roads overlaying a DEM of Oahu, HI.

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3D DXF Support is here!

You have waited long enough, 3D DXF support is finally available in Voxler 4!

3D DXF files contain a variety of entities and objects, most of which are supported in Voxler 4. The import entities that are supported in Voxler 4 are LINE, 3DLINE, POINT, POLYLINE (which includes the variations of 3D polygon mesh and polyface mesh), LWPOLYLINE, MESH, 3DFACE, and VERTEX. Once a DXF is imported into Voxler, the drawing style for these entities can be changed from shaded to lines (typically a wire mesh) to points. This flexibility provides customized control of the DXF rendering in Voxler 4.

All of these entities and objects can be exported from Voxler, with the exception of MESH and 3DFACE entities. Additionally, surface color mapping is retained in the entities when exporting to 3D DXF, creating an almost exact replication of the resulting 3D DXF file.


Mine Tunnels White 2

An example 3D DXF of an abandoned mine where the different tunnels and shafts have been rendering using different colors.

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Take full control of your data with Voxler's new Worksheet window.

Taking control of your data has never been easier in Voxler with the addition of a full-functioning worksheet window. All point data that has been imported into Voxler 4 can be "hot-edited" in the new worksheet and the edits will be instantly applied to the model in the Viewer window. This "hot-editing" capability allows you to edit the XYZ coordinates, labels, well trace information, and component values and have the model update as soon as the edits are made, transforming Voxler 4 into a great data QC tool.

The new worksheet also provides tools for formatting, statistics, data transformations, and coordinate conversions.

Worksheet 700w

A look at the new worksheet window that vastly increases the data handling and management capabilities in Voxler 4.

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Reproject point data in the worksheet

Reprojecting point data to fit the current coordinates of your project is smooth and seamless with Voxler 4's new projections tools found in the worksheet. Point data can be imported and with a few mouse clicks, your data can be transformed using the coordinates of hundreds of well known, real world coordinate and projections systems. Voxler employs the most extensive and up-to-date coordinate and projection libraries on the market, so any system you can find will be supported and able to be converted.

This new tool allows you to search for known coordinate systems, modify the parameters of an existing system, and create new local coordinate systems.

ACS Dialog

The Assign Coordinate System dialog where hundreds of coordinate and projections systems can be used to transform point data to the desired system.

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Import LiDAR LAS Files

LAS files containing post-processed LiDAR data can now be imported into Voxler 4. Multiple filters are available at the time of import that aid in extracting the desired data from LAS files. LAS using any of the ASPRS LiDAR classification codes (unclassified, Ground, Low Vegetation, High Vegetation, etc) can be used to filter points based on the classification codes at the time of import. Spatial filtering is available at the time of import, which can be used to reduce the extent of large LiDAR datasets. Sample filtering is also available at the time of import that can down sample LAS files if necessary. All of these filtering options can be used in conjunction with one another, making Voxler 4 a powerful LiDAR tool.

Coors Field LiDAR

A LiDAR scan of downtown Denver, including Coors Field, that is being rendered in Voxler as a ScatterPlot. Voxler is an excellent tool for filtering and visualizing LAS LiDAR data.

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User Friendly, Streamlined Data Import Process

The data import process has been completely overhauled in Voxler 4; allowing for all coordinates, components, well trace information, and label columns to be set in the Property Manager. All column headings are preserved through the import process and displayed throughout the Property Manager; increasing the usability of large datasets where tracking and setting specific columns is now seamless. Any column assignments can be changed on the fly, so there is no need to re-import data to change component or coordinate columns.

Data Import BLK BGRD 700w

A look at Voxler 4's Property Manager where all columns can be set for the coordinate, component, and label columns for point data.

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New ScatterPlot Enhancements

The ScatterPlot module has been completely overhauled in Voxler 4. Many enhancements have been added including the addition of a new 3D symbol set, the ability to classify or bin data to create a classed ScatterPlot, label density controls, and the ability to color map RGB values from the source data to the individual ScatterPlot points.


Edit Classes V4 3Binning ScatterPlot points in the new Edit Classes dialog into 6 equal classes.

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The User Interface is Now More Friendly

Find commands more easily than before with all commands having new, user-friendly easy-to-find icons. We have added new user interface color styles that personalize the appearance of Voxler's user interface. Open multiple Voxler project files and worksheets windows in the same instance with the new multiple tabbed document interface.

UI V4 2

New user interface additions enhance the user experience of Voxler 4; multiple projects open on different tabs shown above.

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The New Welcome to Voxler Dialog

Hit the ground running with Voxler’s new welcome dialog! Immediately create a new project or worksheet window, or open the Tutorial. Alternatively, select any of the project files in the Samples folder, the recent files list, or in your project folder and open them immediately. As long as a file was saved in Surfer 13 or higher, a preview of the SRF file is displayed when the file is selected. You no longer have to wonder what each file contains before opening it! A number of helpful pro-tips also pop-up on the dialog to increase your Voxler IQ.

Welcome Dialog 700w

Select any Voxler 4 project file from the Files list, and see a preview of the contents of the file!

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Display SEGY and SGY Data Using Real-World Coordinates

SEG-Y and SGY files now import using the X, Y, and Z coordinate information and locate in true 3D space within your project. Both 2D and 3D SEG-Y files are also now supported; which are easily imported using the overhauled SEG-Y import options. Importing SEG-Y into your project has never been this seamless.


4 SEG-Y slices imported into Voxler 4 using their real-world UTM coordinates. All 4 slices locate in 3D space without an additional transformation.

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Import ECW and SID files without Resampling or Extract a Region

Managing large image files in ECW and SID formats is more powerful than ever. Keep the original full resolution of the image upon import! Alternatively, don’t waste time importing areas and information you don’t want. Choose to extract a portion of the file upon import.


Choose to select a small area of a large SID or ECW image to import into Surfer.


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Import ECW and SID files Without Resampling or Extract a Region

Managing large image files in ECW and SID formats is more powerful than ever. Keep the original full resolution of the image upon import! Alternatively, don’t waste time importing areas and information you don’t want. Choose to extract a portion of the file upon import.

Surfer Blanking Support 2

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Drape Contours as a Vector Overlay on 3D Surfaces

Contours generated from Contours modules can now be used as the input for the new vector overlay feature. This addition allows contours generated from another lattice source or grid to be overlaid on a 3D surface. Multiple variables can now be displayed at the same time; for example geophysical property contours can be overlaid on a topography 3D surface to generate a more informative model.


Voxler - Contours on a 3D SurfaceContours can now be used as a Vector Overlay on a 3D surface; where they drape without pixilation.

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International font support

You've waited long enough. All aspects of Voxler now support international fonts and characters such as Chinese, Cyrillic, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Hungarian, and Hebrew! For example, you can set Text modules, Annotation modules, ScatterPlot labels, Legend labels, and WellRender labels to any language. Customize your project with language your audience will understand.

Unicode Lables

Effectively communicate your map to any audience. All aspects of Voxler projects support international fonts.

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For more new features of Voxler 4, see the attached PDF: NewFeaturesOfVoxler4.pdf. If you're interested in new features added into older versions, see the attached PDFs: NewFeaturesOfVoxler3.pdf and NewFeaturesOfVoxler2.pdf.


Updated February 7, 2018

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