Add a text object with Grapher automation

This article contains a sample script for creating a text object and replacing the text with new text.

To run this script:

  1. Click here to download the BAS file: text example.BAS
  2. Click Automation | Scripts | Run, select the BAS file from your downloads directory, and click Open.


  1. Copy the script below.
  2. Open Grapher and turn on the Script Manager by clicking View | Display | Script Manager.
  3. Press Ctrl+A to select all of the existing lines in the Script Manager and then press DELETE.
  4. Press Ctrl+V to paste it into the Script Manager.
  5. Click the Start/Resume icon () in the Script Manager.



Option Explicit
Sub Main
  Dim grfApp, doc, txt1 As Object

  Set grfApp = CreateObject("Grapher.Application")
  grfApp.Visible = True
  Set doc = grfApp.Documents.Add(grfPlotDoc)

  Set txt1 = doc.Shapes.AddText(3,4,"initial text")

  txt1.Font.size = 24
  txt1.Font.color = grfColorBlue
  txt1.text = "new contents"

End Sub


Updated August 6, 2019


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