Grapher Version History

Official version history and changelog information for Grapher, currently version 24.


Grapher 24.1.213 (October 1, 2024)

New Features and Improvements

  • Axis Labels: Allow for a coincident major and minor tick label

  • Category Bar Chart: when creating the plot, the second column of valid data is used instead of the first column

  • Category Bar Chart: Auto-Enable 'Data in Rows' for Axis Labels When this Checkbox is Enabled for the Plot

  • Data in Rows: automatically update labels from worksheet when same property changes on plot

  • Function Plot: Use X axis limits as First/Last value for X=F(Y) plots

  • Histogram/ Rose/ Wind: Custom bins no longer require all bins to be manually defined

  • Improve the Custom Bins dialog

  • Updated sample file: Pie Chart.gpj


  • ECW files from UK government for year 2020 not recognized

  • Line plot: Axis and data clipping limits causing plot to disappear

  • Opening Grapher shows a WinWrap warning

  • PDFv export: Use application page size (if applicable) not saving some plots

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