Voxler Version History

KB no longer maintained - Voxler is a retired product. Golden Software retired products are still supported, but no longer receive new features or updates. Many of Voxler's features are moving to Surfer . Please contact support@goldensoftware.com with any questions.

Official version history and changelog information for Voxler 4. 

Voxler 4.6.913 (May 21, 2019)

  • Resolved an issue where the last row of imported data was truncated at 100 rows.
  • Resolved an issue where all of the modules in the Network Window were updating with any change made to the project.
  • Resolved an issue where VOXB files were not backwards compatible with older versions.

Voxler 4.4.884 (March 16, 2019)

  • Added support for the EPSG 2168 (Luxemburg) coordinate system.
  • Added support for the Australia GDA2020 coordinate systems.
  • Updated the Africa UTM zone 32S system for Gabon.
  • Improved the loading time for KMZ files.
  • Corrected an issue where the header row was not being recognized when importing CSV files.
  • Corrected display issues in the Viewer window when multiple files of different scale were imported.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was crashing when importing specific STL files.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was crashing when undoing pasting data into the worksheet.
  • Corrected an internal error when importing specific DXF files.
  • Corrected an internal error when importing specific PLY files.
  • Corrected an internal error when importing specific DEM files.
  • Corrected an internal error when importing ESRI ASCII grid files.
  • Corrected an internal error when importing VTK files that use incorrect keyword syntax.
  • Corrected an internal error when attempting to paste data into the worksheet where the range was too large.
  • Corrected an issue where the Assign Coordinate System dialog was missing Unicode characters for the HD72 coordinate system.
  • Corrected an internal error when importing ESRI FLT grid files that contain an invalid cell size.
  • Corrected an issue importing R12/LT2 DXF files that has incomplete vertex entries.
  • Correct an issue where the Transform command in the worksheet was giving incorrect results when calculating a specific calculation.

Voxler 4.3.771 (January 23, 2018)

  • Added STL Import support.
  • Added NTM (Norwegian transverse mercator) coordinate systems to predefined coordinate systems.
  • Corrected an issue where an internal error was being issued when editing a replaced worksheet.
  • Corrected an issue where the XLSX header is not being recognized.
  • Corrected an issue with the WellRender module where some :wells were not rendering correctly from XLSX files.
  • Corrected an issue with the WellData module where some logs  were not importing. 
  • Corrected an issue where importing specific SGY files was issuing a limits warning message.
  • Corrected an issue where importing some DAT files contained no columns of data.
  • Corrected an issue where importing data with only 1 row is issuing error and would not import.
  • Corrected an issue where automation was not saving VOXB files.
  • Corrected an issue where the Network Manager was not displaying some Unicode module titles correctly.
  • Corrected an issue where importing some SGY files were not have the coordinates scanned correctly.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was crashing when importing large SGY files.
  • Corrected an issue where the wells in the WellRender module where not displaying using Inclination as Vertical direction.
  • Corrected an issue where ScatterPlot module labels are not shown after label column update.
  • Corrected an issue with SGY Import where multiple files would not import into a single uniform lattice.
  • Corrected an issue where an internal error was issued during automation.
  • Corrected an issue an where exported DEMs were not readable by ArcMap.
  • Corrected an issue where the linear units Name can't be set to anything but US Survey Feet.
  • Corrected an issue with importing TIF files where the image contains tiles that are not DCT/JPEG compressed.
  • Corrected an issue in the worksheet where date/time values were displaying incorrectly.
  • Corrected an issue where an Internal Error wa throw when deleting and cutting data from worksheet.
  • Corrected an issue in the worksheet where hour 00 and 12 were listed with the incorrect AM/PM designations.
  • Corrected an issue where Copy/Paste from the worksheet puts the contents in quotes.
  • Corrected an issue where large DXF fils would not open in the Worksheet window.
  • Corrected an issue with importing NetCDF files where Voxler failed to load the correct coordinates.
  • Corrected an issue when importing 16-bit ADF files.
  • Corrected an issue importing DXF files where the files would not import file due to incomplete point entity error.
  • Corrected a typo in the New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 coordinate system.
  • Corrected an issue where the colors were scrambled when importing a 32-bit JPEG-in-TIFF image.
  • Corrected an issue where copying the system info from the About dialog was causing an Internal Error.
  • Corrected an issue with importing ERDAS .IMG files where the imported grid was truncated.
  • Corrected various issues with importing shapefiles.
  • Corrected an issue with importing ADF files when loading from a network location.
  • Corrected an issue where SID files were import with incorrect coordinates.
  • Corrected an issue where importing specific GSB files were causing an internal error.
  • Corrected an issue where exporting a Geosoft grid was not readable by ArcMap.
  • Corrected an issue where with converting to Finnish Uniform Coordinate System.
  • Corrected an issue where some DXF files were not importing using the correct rotation for some objects.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was hanging due to custom system locale settings.
  • Corrected an issue when importing KML files resulted in an Internal Error.
  • Corrected an issue when opening a 3D DXF in the worksheet did not have correct Z values.
  • Corrected an issue where importing some shapefiles resulted in an Unrecognized or invalid shape type 259 error message.
  • Corrected and issue where coordinate conversion from ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA was incorrect.
  • Corrected an issue in the worksheet where CSV files were not opening correctly.
  • Corrected an issue in the worksheet when Undo and Redo while editing a cell was causing a crash.
Voxler 4.2.584 (June 21, 2015)
  • Corrected an issue where importing CSV files were issuing an Unable to match input file format" error message.
  • Corrected an issue where interval data for the WellRender module was importing at much smaller intervals than expected.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was crashing when using a component minimum and maximum that both equal 0.
  • Corrected an issue where properties for the Axes module were being changed when upstream modules were edited.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was hanging when importing large XLSX files.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was issuing and Internal Error when creating wells from automation.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was issuing an Internal Error when opening TXT files in the worksheet.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler would not open a MDB file in the worksheet.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was not able to import or open a CSV file when the system locale was set to anything other than English.
  • Corrected an issue where the Property Manager was not updating when a data file was changed.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was issuing an Internal Error when selecting columns without enough data.
  • Corrected an issue where BLN files were not opening in the worksheet.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was issuing an Internal Error when NetCDF files that contain blanking values were imported.
  • Corrected an issue where DXF files exported from Voxler were crashing AutoCAD 2017 versions.
  • Corrected an issue where SHP files were importing incorrectly.
  • Corrected an issue where specific JPEG 2000 files were crashing Voxler when imported.
  • Corrected an issue where XLSX files were importing with extra columns.
  • Corrected an error when LAS 3.0 files were imported.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was issuing and Internal Error when importing specific ADF grid files.
  • Corrected an issue where specific XLS sheets were not able to import into Voxler.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was issuing an error when importing TIF files that are tiled but noe DCT/JPEG compressed.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was drawing overlapping points in BLN files.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was issuing an Internal Error when using statistics on XLS files.
  • Corrected an issue where empty XLSX files created in Voxler cannot be opened in Excel.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was issuing an Internal Error when transposing columns in a specific XLSX file.
  • Corrected an issue where coordinates for Netherlands RD New CS were shifted.
  • Added MULTIPOINT and COLLECTION objects to MIF import.
  • Added a decimal separator parameter to the Options menu that allows the user to set the decimal separator.
Voxler 4.1.509 (December 8, 2015)
  • Corrected an issue where an Internal Error was issued when cancelling an export in the Export Options dialog.
  • Corrected an error that was being issued when importing LAS data from the Add Data button.
  • Corrected an issue where ScatterPlot points were not being color mapped according the correct data values.
  • Corrected an issue where and Internal Error was issued when exporting some cross section IV (from Strater 4) to DXF format.
  • Reworded a warning message to better indicate the options when importing worksheet data.
  • Corrected an issue where opening a data file that was already being used in the project would not open in Voxler’s worksheet.
  • Corrected an issue where the specific portions of a VolRender were getting color mapped incorrectly.
  • Corrected an issue where adding custom labels to a legend was crashing Voxler.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was crashing when exporting specific WellRender modules to 3D DXF format.
  • Corrected an issue where the Follow data scale option on the Axes module was not working correctly.
  • Corrected an Internal Error that was caused by using an ExtractPoints module in conjunction with specific data source settings.
  • Corrected an Internal Error that was being caused by importing specific VTK files.
  • Corrected an issue where older VOXB files would not open in Voxler 4.
  • Corrected a crash that was being caused by dragging and dropping IV files onto the desktop icon.
  • Corrected an issue where the ExtractPoints module was not keeping multiple components set.
  • Corrected an issue where specific DXF files were crashing Voxler at the time of import.
  • Changed the behavior when dragging and dropping geometry files onto the user interface, where the files now open in the plot instead of the Worksheet window.
  • Corrected and error where importing an empty column for component data was issuing and error.
  • Corrected an issue with cell alignment for cells that are formatted with date/time formatting.
  • Corrected and Internal Error that was being issued when importing a XLSX with specific style formatting.
  • Corrected and issue where importing a specific SGY file did not contain the correct coordinates.
  • Corrected an issue where the blanking value from specific TIF files was using a NaN as the blanking value.
  • Corrected an issue where Voxler was crashing when importing specific SGY files as curvilinear lattices.
  • Corrected an Internal Error that was issued when importing DXF files that were generated from the Google API.
Voxler 4.0.476 (October 7, 2015)
  • Released Version 4 of Voxler.


Updated May 21, 2019

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