MapViewer Version History

KB no longer maintained - MapViewer is a Legacy Product. Legacy Products are still supported, but no longer receive new features or updates. Many of MapViewer's features have been moved to Surfer. Please contact with any questions.


Official version history and changelog information for MapViewer 8. 

MapViewer 8.7.752 (April 11, 2019)

  • Fixed a crash when opening a project with a gradient layer on a machine that does not support FBO
  • Fixed a crash when undoing pasting data into the worksheet
  • Fixed a crash when loading an invalid/corrupt XLSX file
  • Fixed a crash when importing a DXF file with a % sign in the name
  • Fixed an internal error when importing data past the end of the worksheet
  • Fixed an internal error when importing a DXF file where the TrPen object had a negative width parameter
  • Fixed an internal error when importing data in an XLS that was used to create a map
  • Fixed an issue where changing the projection of a lat/long coordinate system to Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection
  • Fixed an issue where UTM coordinates changed by a significant amount when imported from a database
  • Fixed an issue where EMF files changed size as they were rotated
  • Fixed an issue where a blank map was created when importing a TIFF file with compression mode 7 (jpeg) and 4 samples per pixel
  • Fixed an issue where importing a PLY file with raw vertex data resulted in a "contains no known objects" error
  • Fixed an issue where importing a PDF at certain resolutions resulted in a "The PDF converter plug-in was unable to convert the file" error
  • Fixed the following DXF import issues:
    • Aborted import with no error message when the end of DXF file was missing
    • "Contains no known objects" error was issued when the ENTITIES section was after the OBJECTS section
    • "Incomplete vertex entity" error was issued after an error about an "unsupported 3-D extrusion"
  • Improved loading time for KMZ files with unavailable images
  • KML Import: Added support for placemark-derived schemas
  • Added transparency support for PNG attachments to DXF files
  • Made the following coordinate system improvements:
    • Added Australia GDA2020 coordinate systems
    • Added Luxembourg 1930 Gauss regional/national projected coordinate system
    • Added new African UTM coordinate systems and updated two Nigeria UTM systems to Minna UTM
    • Moved GDA94 from Predefined | Projected Systems | UTM to Predefined | Projected Systems | Regional/National 
    • Moved AGD66 zone 54/55 from the Australasia group in Predefined | Projected Systems | Regional/National to the Australia group
    • Moved New Zealand UTM coordinate systems out of the Australia group

MapViewer 8.6.651 (February 26, 2018)

  • Fixed an internal error when importing a KML file containing empty/invalid polygon boundaries
  • Fixed an internal error when importing a BNA file containing an ellipse with a bad radius
  • Fixed an internal error when installing on a Windows 10 laptop
  • Fixed an internal error when setting image coordinates incorrectly and then changing plot to use map limits
  • Fixed a crash when undoing/redoing while editing a cell in a worksheet
  • Fixed an issue with the B=A/10000000000 transform in a worksheet giving an incorrect result
  • Fixed an error exporting large map to KMZ
  • Fixed an incorrect coordinate conversion from ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA
  • Fixed an issue where a PRJ with the Fiji Map coordinate system shows an ellipsoid of Naval Weapons Lab instead of WGS 1972
  • Fixed a KML import issue where lines were invisible when they should not have been
  • Fixed an issue where opening a 3D DXF in the worksheet did not display the correct Z values
  • Fixed an issue where pasting special as a broken-apart EMF file resulted in an upside-down image
  • Fixed an issue where printing or pasting special changed the character spacing in rotated text objects
  • Fixed an issue where exporting to a vector PDF caused rotated text in a metafile to become unrotated and shifted
  • Fixed an issue where exporting to a vector PDF caused the clipped portion of a metafile to show
  • Fixed an issue where the application hung due to a custom system locale
  • Fixed an issue where a GPS file silently failed to import anything
  • Fixed an issue where a GPX file with Unicode characters in the name would not load
  • Fixed a "not well-formed (invalid token)" error importing a GPX file with an XML tag can span multiple lines
  • Fixed a SHP import issue where importing a SHP with undocumented use of the high bits in the 32-bit "shape type" field of each record resulted in an “Unrecognized or invalid shape type 259” error
  • Fixed an issue involving inability to edit coordinates in Coordinates Manager when using comma as the decimal separator
  • Fixed an incorrect KMZ import where transparent PNGs aren’t imported with transparency
  • Fixed a DXF import issue where rotation is not read properly for some objects
  • Fixed an issue where a GeoTIFF with north polar stereographic projection was importing as "unreferenced"
  • Added the ability to remember the previous “Write Z (elevation) column” option during BLN export
  • Added the ability to import a KML without images when the images are missing

MapViewer 8.5.535 (March 1, 2017)

  • Fixed a crash trying to delete a layer containing many objects
  • Fixed a crash copying a very large polygon to the clipboard
  • Fixed a crash opening a GSM file and improperly calibrating the map within it
  • Fixed a crash when clicking elsewhere with a color palette expanded
  • Fixed a crash due to a base map with a 1-point complex line segment
  • Fixed a crash when loading a TIFF that is tiled and compressed and encoded with horizontal differencing where the image width is greater than the tile width
  • Fixed a crash when importing a KMZ files and enabling the Import attributes list to linked worksheet option in the Import Options dialog
  • Fixed a crash when initializing customer tracking
  • Fixed an internal error when importing an EMF file with no color table
  • Fixed an internal error when importing a SHP file that contains DBL_MAX values that should have been treated as NoData
  • Fixed an internal error when deleting and cutting data from a worksheet column that has been resized
  • Fixed an internal error when the System Info button from the About dialog and then clicking Copy to Clipboard
  • Fixed an internal error when importing a KMZ file containing a single point with size equal to #INF
  • Fixed an internal error when gridding collinear data with the Minimum Curvature gridding method
  • Fixed an internal error when importing a GSB file where the number of vertices didn’t match the vertex count
  • Fixed an issue where MapViewer froze when trying to undo legend changes
  • Fixed an issue where a GSB file could be exported with an incorrect vertex count
  • Fixed an issue where exporting a metafile to vector PDF file resulted in part of the metafile being clipped or some of the objects going missing
  • Fixed an issue where changing the placement of a PID label changed the text size
  • Fixed an issue where text in installer dialogs is partially cut-off when the resolution of the monitor is increased to a size greater than 100%
  • Fixed an issue with updating if the username contains Unicode characters
  • Fixed an issue where uninstalling an older version as part of the installation of a newer version leaves the older version in the Control Panel’s Programs list
  • Fixed an issue trying to print a large file containing an inset to a PDF or physical printer
  • Fixed an issue where resizing the bottom pane in the Options dialog makes the main pane disappear
  • Fixed an issue where importing a WMF with Break Apart enabled results in stretched text
  • Fixed an issue where a pie map cannot be created due to an incorrect error No numeric data (within valid range) can be found in variable column ‘F’ of the worksheet
  • Fixed an issue with a warning (Resizing scale bars may result in incorrect measurement of the map. Do you want to resize scale bars?) incorrectly appearing when trying to move a scale bar or legend via the position/size toolbar
  • Fixed an issue where copy/pasting from the worksheet into the plot window puts the contents in quotes
  • Fixed an issue where copy/pasting an image from Word resulted in a squished/elongated appearance
  • Fixed an issue with importing a KMZ file: “Unable to create file ‘<filename>.tmp”
  • Fixed an “Invalid closing bracket” error when loading a KMZ file with text in single-quotes and without any useful KML graphics
  • Fixed an issue where exporting a KMZ file to the same name and directory as a KML file overwrites the KML file.
  • Fixed a “<File> doesn’t contain any known objects” error when importing a zipped KMZ file where the primary/local header contains bad data that makes it look like the file size is zero bytes (empty)
  • Fixed an issue when creating a base map from a KMZ file that contains an unusually-formatted TIFF
  • Fixed a “Coordinates tag contains invalid/non-numeric data” error when importing a KMZ file with some <coordinates> tags that don’t have valid coordinates
  • Fixed an issue with hours 00 and 12 appearing with incorrect AM/PM designation
  • Fixed an issue where certain time values displayed with 60 seconds rather than 00 seconds
  • Fixed an issue where a large BNA file was importing much slower in newer versions than in older versions
  • Fixed an issue where exporting a metafile to PDF or DXF resulted in a black box
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect limits when importing an EMF file with an inconsistent view
  • Fixed an issue where copy/pasting into a clean worksheet did not mark it as changed
  • Fixed an issue where querying and then applying symbol properties to the selected points is setting the wrong symbol
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn’t review files in the Error Reporter if the program was open
  • Fixed an issue where polylines stopped antialiasing at certain widths and zoom levels
  • Fixed an issue where changing the slice size for a pie map legend changes the sample values and changing the slice size back does not revert the change
  • Removed collinearity checks for Inverse Distance, Nearest Neighbor, and Moving Average gridding methods
  • Fixed an “TIFF file contains an image that is tiled but not DCT/JPEG compressed” error when importing a TIFF file compressed with Adobe Deflate compression
  • Fixed an “Invalid parameter passed to subroutine or function.” error when importing a SHP file with an invalid code page number
  • Fixed a “DXF AutoCAD Drawing Error: Incomplete point entity in import file on line 76232” error when importing a DXF file containing a point entity that is missing its layer group
  • Fixed an “Unknown record format” error when importing a binary DXF file
  • Fixed an “Unrecognized or invalid shape type 1027679809” error when importing a SHP file containing points missing the ‘m’ portion of the record
  • Fixed an “Unrecognized or invalid shape type 4294963199” error when importing a malformed SHP file where the record sizes don’t match the sizes indicated in the record headers
  • Fixed an “Unrecognized or invalid shape type 4294963199” error when importing a malformed SHP file where the record sizes don’t match the sizes indicated in the record headers
  • Fixed an “Unrecognized or invalid shape type 4294967295” error when importing a SHP file that contains PolygonM objects
  • Fixed an “Unrecognized or invalid shape type 4294963199” error when importing a SHP file that contains PolygonZ objects
  • Fixed an “Unrecognized or invalid shape type 807518400” error when importing a SHP file with missing M data
  • Removed the Imagery category and EROS and NAIP servers from the default Download Online Maps, due to the server URLs changing to become unusable in MapViewer
  • Accommodated an AutoCAD 2017/ TrueView 2017 change that resulted in a “FATAL ERROR”  when importing DXF files exported from MapViewer 8
  • Reordered some coordinate systems with zones so the zones are in numeric order
  • Added NTM Norwegian transverse Mercator coordinate system
  • Added support for invisible placemarks in KML/KMZ files
  • Added support for ESRI world georeferencing files ending with an X (JGWX, TFWX, etc)

MapViewer 8.4.406 (April 5, 2016)

  • Crash opening GSM file with invalid variable
  • Crash changing rotation of prism map
  • Crash loading very large JP2 file
  • Crash loading KML file which references an external TIF file with an extra 8-bit channel that is not alpha transparency
  • Crash importing TIF with a GDAL_NODATA tag with an out-of-range color index
  • Internal error exporting a metafile to PDF vector
  • Internal error in Text Editor when inserting an empty date/time string
  • Internal error importing a DXF containing polyface mesh objects
  • Internal error when copy/pasting worksheet data into an external application results in that application requesting a format we don’t support
  • Internal error when opening file that is not done exporting with another application
  • Error deleting selection after a query
  • GSI file with very small dashes loads incorrectly and exports to PDF vector file incorrectly
  • When managers are undocked individually, opening MapViewer the next time results in managers and splash screen open but MapViewer doesn’t open
  • Move/Copy to Another Layer: object name reverts to default if not stored in PID field
  • Exporting with the “Current view only” option results in an empty legend
  • When exporting an image file, Defaults button doesn’t reset Pixels per inch/Pixel dimensions
  • Support Windows 10 when reporting system specs via email
  • Worksheet: Internal error deleting columns and individual cells
  • Worksheet: Internal error when entering a space into “Starting in cell” in Statistics dialog
  • Worksheet: Optimize clipboard functionality
  • Worksheet: Changing cell alignment for date/time column with text header changes date/time formatting
  • Coordinate Systems: Incorrect datum in Amersfoort / RD New coordinate system
  • Coordinate Systems: Incorrect central longitude in NZGD2000 / Mount Eden Circuit coordinate system
  • Text Editor: Bold/Italics not always honored when changed in File | Options
  • BLN Export: By default overwrite Attribute flag value with flag value chosen in Export Options dialog, and add new option to use “BLN Flag attributes from application (if applicable)”
  • DXF Import: “File contains no known objects” error on importing DXF containing TrPolymesh objects
  • E00/SDTS TVP Import: changed dialog behavior to allow dialog to be movable and to be canceled by clicking X
  • GSI Export: Text bolding not saved
  • EMF Import: Crash importing EMF file when “Break apart metafile” option is checked
  • MIF Import: Add support for MULTIPOINT and COLLECTION objects
  • MIF Import: Internal error importing MIF files containing ‘arc’ objects
  • KML Import: “Expected numeric value for fill flag” error message when importing KML using true/false instead of 1/0
  • KML Import: Text imports with incorrect color
  • KML Export: Option names in Export Options dialog are cut off
  • KMZ Import: Error while attempting to extract KMZ archive for KMZ with subdirectories
  • JP2 Import: File using alternate false easting/northing parameters imports with incorrect false easting/northing
  • PDF Export: “Failed reading temporary file” error when exporting large file
  • PDF Raster Export: Coordinates are shifted when exporting GeoPDF
  • PDF Vector Export: Lines with negative dash lengths do not open in Adobe Reader
  • TIF Import: GeoTIF with different image warp tag imports with pixel coordinates instead of UTM coordinates
  • TIF Export: Add support for #3059 tag to work around ArcMap issue of importing GeoTIF without meter units with incorrect false easting
  • Automation: Vector/prism map colors not applied with RGB or numeric values

MapViewer 8.3.311 (July 20, 2015)

  • Fixed GS Fonts to address the following issues:
    • GsDraw errors due to Microsoft update bug
    • Fonts displaying in upper right corner of symbol box after installation
    • Empty symbols shown as rectangle with intermediate fonts where older fonts showed nothing
    • Exporting symbol to GSI and re-importing brings in the wrong symbol with intermediate fonts
  • Copying a horizontal/vertical line then Paste Special as Enhanced Metafile with Break Apart option enabled results in empty line
  • Download Online Map: Entire data source extents not honored for GEBCO WMS server
  • Internal Error when launching Date/Time Format Builder dialog when system locale is set to Spanish
  • KML export: Missing lines when exporting a polyconic map
  • KML import: Symbols imported with 0% opacity for line properties
  • KML import: Error “No LatLonBox tag found in GroundOverlay” when importing a file that uses a record of type "gx:LatLonQuad"
  • KML import: Don’t give error message about missing icon images unless “Import as icon images” is selected and image cannot be found
  • KML import: Added support for importing KML/KMZ files with subdirectories
  • KML import: Error “Closing tag name mismatch” when importing data with ] as the last character in the CDATA section
  • KML import: Changed default Import Options to import point placemarks as marker symbols
  • Crash querying map data for objects on a territory map layer
  • Crash undoing a base map layer deletion
  • Reworded Geocoding Report dialog, which still mentioned Pin Map dialog that no longer exists
  • Automation: FgColorSpectrum broken for TerritoryMap object
  • Worksheet: Numeric cells displaying incorrectly (as dates or “0 );[Re2](0)”)

MapViewer 8.2.277 (May 18, 2015)

  • “GsDraw error (1): Generic Error” when opening or creating a file containing symbols
  • Certain JPG files (without JFIF or Exif signatures) not recognized on import

MapViewer 8.1.269 (April 30, 2015)

  • Automation: Internal error when setting bar map variables to text columns
  • Automation: Issue assigning a hyperlink on import for a metafile
  • Automation: Running Statistics on a range and specifying a certain statistic with Flags parameter returns empty statistic value
  • Bar Map: Incorrect fill when using Linear Gradient for bar fill pattern
  • Bar Map: Labels reset to default position when font properties are changed, but "Draw label to" does not reflect the change
  • Calibrate dialog only shows units in lat/lon degrees
  • Canceling setting the coordinate system for a pin map layer removes the pins
  • Crash changing cartogram map to gradient map
  • Crash closing MapViewer while in Digitize mode
  • Crash importing a BNA file in a polyconic coordinate system
  • Crash importing a TIF file with a bad IFD offset value
  • Crash when deleting a layer with an inset on it
  • Crash when exporting to an unknown file extension
  • Crash when importing an incompatible boundary into a plot with orthographic south pole coordinate system
  • Crash when loading an MDB database
  • DAT, CSV, TXT, and BLN export: don't export Z values when not present
  • Download Online Maps: If computer locale is set to Polish, OK is disabled if lat/lon extents are specified with '.' as the decimal instead of ','
  • Download Online Maps: Maps downloaded in ETRS89 / Poland CS92 coordinate system are not properly located
  • Download Online Maps: While drawing new selection bounds in preview box, bounds disappear if cursor touches edge of the preview box
  • Geocoding: Lat/Lon coordinates are wrong or missing for unknown addresses
  • GSI export: alignment of multi-line text is incorrect
  • GSI export: certain fill patterns become flipped vertically and lose partial transparency
  • HTM, PDF, SVG, and EMF export: scalable bitmap fill patterns are inverted
  • Incorrect opacity for certain fill patterns when importing GSI file
  • Internal error when loading new data for bar graph then clicking Map | Create Map | Bar
  • Issue assigning attributes to a metafile via the MultiAssign command
  • KML import: embedded XML namespaces not supported
  • Legend becomes unviewable after using 0 or 1 samples for a pie map and then switching to a different map type
  • Maps in PieMap.gsm, FlowMap.gsm, and GradientMap.gsm sample files not properly located
  • Multi-Graph Map graphs are offset in MapTypes.gsm and MultiGraphMap.gsm samples files
  • New coordinate systems: Magna-Sirgas Colombia Bogota Zone, Magna-Sirgas Colombia East Central Zone, Magna-Sirgas Colombia East Zone, Magna-Sirgas Colombia Far West Zone, and Magna-Sirgas Colombia West Zone in Predefined | Projected Systems | Regional/National | Colombia, and Magna-Sirgas in Predefined | Geographic (lat/lon).
  • Pasting in metafile from MS Paint with 'break apart' option enabled results in image being flipped vertically
  • PDF import: coordinates are incorrect in certain circumstances
  • Pin Map: Applying condition filter moves points to incorrect locations
  • Pin Map: If the only layer is a pin map, there are no objects other than pins, legend, and scale bar, and the plot coordinate system is unreferenced, set the coordinate system of the plot when the coordinate system of the pin map is set
  • Reset button for Legend size does not work
  • Saving a GSM file when the XLSX data file is open in Excel results in a corrupt file
  • Set plot units automatically based on the coordinate system
  • Territory Map: Name in Data Classes dialog not tied to Name in Territories dialog
  • Vector PDF Export: Coordinate system units of feet are converted to meters when exported
  • Vector PDF export: Error when exporting an empty text box
  • Vector PDF export: Partially transparent gradient fills are exported as opaque
  • Worksheet: Garbage characters appended after numbers in cells with specific decimal formatting
  • XLSX import: cells containing a string value of one space import with 0's instead of empty

MapViewer 8.0.212 (January 13, 2015)

  • First release version of MapViewer 8.


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