Add a vertical or horizontal scale bar to a Strater cross section

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Strater is officially retired, but you can still purchase additional licenses. Strater is sold as-is and will not receive updates, fixes, or new features.
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Vertical Scale
In Strater a vertical scale bar is called a depth log. You can add a depth log to your cross section by:
  1. Clicking Log | Create Log | Depth.
  2. Clicking in the cross section pane where you want the 'scale bar' to appear.


Horizontal Scale

In Strater 5, you can add a horizontal scale bar to your cross section by following these steps:
  1. Click Log | Add | Scale Bar.
  2. Click in the pane you want the scale bar to be placed in and then press ESC.
  3. Select the scale bar.
  4. On the Scale Bar tab of the Property Manager, change the Scale type to Cross Section.
  5. Change the title, label, and tick mark properties in the Label and Tickstabs in the Property Manager.


In Strater 4, you can add a horizontal scale bar to your cross section by following these steps:

  1. Click Draw | Scale Bar.
  2. Click in the pane you want the scale bar to be placed in and then press ESC.
  3. Select the scale bar.
  4. On the Scale Bar tab of the Property Manager, change the Type to Cross Section.
  5. Change the title, tick mark, and label properties in their respective tabs in the Property Manager.


Updated April 5, 2018

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