There are many styles for citing references and you should follow those in use at your university or institution, or required by the publication. Golden Software can be cited when the software is first mentioned and, in the bibliography or reference list.
If you want to reference Grapher in the body of the paper, you can use "GrapherTM from Golden Software, LLC (" or "GrapherTM (Golden Software, LLC)" as in-text citations. Grapher is trademarked, and so it has must include the TM after it.
If you want to reference Grapher at the end in a bibliography or reference list, our information is:
Golden Software, LLC.
PO Box 281
Golden, CO 80402-0281 USA
If you want to reference Grapher in the body of the paper, you can use "GrapherTM from Golden Software, LLC (" or "GrapherTM (Golden Software, LLC)" as in-text citations. Grapher is trademarked, and so it has must include the TM after it.
If you want to reference Grapher at the end in a bibliography or reference list, our information is:
Golden Software, LLC.
PO Box 281
Golden, CO 80402-0281 USA
Updated 2023
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