Create a Schoeller Diagram in Grapher

A Schoeller plot is a series of line/scatter plots where the X values are the cation or anion measured in a sample and the Y values are the concentration of each ion. This plot type displays the relative concentrations of various anions and cations from multiple samples on a single graph.


Example of a Schoeller diagram in Grapher.


To create a Schoeller diagram, you may follow the numbered steps below or download the template file attached to this article (Schoeller.grf), and update the worksheet data with your own.

  1. Format your data - Grapher can plot data in both rows and columns. Format your data in one of the options below:   
    • To plot your data in columns, set up your data like this:
      schoeller data formatted as columns

    • To plot your data in rows, set up your data like this:
      schoeller data formatted as rows
  2. Click Home | New Graph | Line/Scatter | Line Plot.
  3. In the Open Worksheet dialog, select the data file and click Open. 
  4. Select the plot in the Object Manager.
  5. Click the Plot tab in the Property Manager. 
  6. If your data is in rows, check the box in the Data in rows field
  7. Change the X variable to Sequence number if your data is formatted in columns, or Row number if your data is formatted in rows. This will change the labels on the X axis to generic numbers, the labels will be updated in the following steps. 
  8. Click the Create button to add the next row/column of data as a line plot.
  9. Repeat Step 7 until all columns/rows of data have been added to the plot. (You will see each plot added in the Object Manager.)
  10. Update the axis labels:
    1. Click X Axis 1 in the Object Manager.
    2. Click the Labels tab in the Property Manager.
    3. Check the Show major tick labels box.
    4. Set the Label Source to From worksheet.
    5. Click in the Worksheet field and select your worksheet from the list.
    6. If your data is in rows, check the box next to Data in rows. 
      1. In the Data variable field, select the same option chosen in Step 6 above. 
    7. Set the Label Variable to the appropriate row or column in your data. 


If desired, change the line properties in one of two ways:

    • All at once using a gradient using the Graph Tools | Plot Tools | Change Colors command. Once the Multi-Plot Color Gradient dialog is open, choose a new Gradient and/or change individual plot colors by double clicking on the fill color next to the plot name. 
    • Individually by clicking on each new line/scatter plot and changing the line Color on the Line tab in the Property Manager.


Updated May 2023

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