A Schoeller plot is a series of line/scatter plots where the X values are the cation or anion measured in a sample and the Y values are the concentration of each ion. This plot type displays the relative concentrations of various anions and cations from multiple samples on a single graph.
Example of a Schoeller diagram in Grapher.
To create a Schoeller diagram, you may follow the numbered steps below or download the template file attached to this article (Schoeller.grf), and update the worksheet data with your own.
- Format your data - Grapher can plot data in both rows and columns. Format your data in one of the options below:
- To plot your data in columns, set up your data like this:
- To plot your data in rows, set up your data like this:
- To plot your data in columns, set up your data like this:
- Click Home | New Graph | Line/Scatter | Line Plot.
- In the Open Worksheet dialog, select the data file and click Open.
- Select the plot in the Object Manager.
- Click the Plot tab in the Property Manager.
- If your data is in rows, check the box in the Data in rows field.
- Change the X variable to Sequence number if your data is formatted in columns, or Row number if your data is formatted in rows. This will change the labels on the X axis to generic numbers, the labels will be updated in the following steps.
- Click the Create button to add the next row/column of data as a line plot.
- Repeat Step 7 until all columns/rows of data have been added to the plot. (You will see each plot added in the Object Manager.)
- Update the axis labels:
- Click X Axis 1 in the Object Manager.
- Click the Labels tab in the Property Manager.
- Check the Show major tick labels box.
- Set the Label Source to From worksheet.
- Click in the Worksheet field and select your worksheet from the list.
- If your data is in rows, check the box next to Data in rows.
- In the Data variable field, select the same option chosen in Step 6 above.
- Set the Label Variable to the appropriate row or column in your data.
If desired, change the line properties in one of two ways:
- All at once using a gradient using the Graph Tools | Plot Tools | Change Colors command. Once the Multi-Plot Color Gradient dialog is open, choose a new Gradient and/or change individual plot colors by double clicking on the fill color next to the plot name.
- Individually by clicking on each new line/scatter plot and changing the line Color on the Line tab in the Property Manager.
Updated May 2023
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