To set the default in Surfer to fill contours and show the color scale, follow these steps:
- Click File | Defaults.
- In the Settings section, expand the Map Contour section.
- Select cFill (contours must be filled to show the color scale):
- Change the Setting value to Yes.
- Change the Setting persistence to Always reset.
- Select cColorScl:
- Change the Setting value to Yes.
- Change the Setting persistence to Always reset.
- If you want to set the default colormap, select cFillFgClr.
- In the Setting value field,enter the full file path to the CLR file you wish to use. For example: C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Surfer \Rainbow6.clr.
- Change the Setting persistence to Always reset.
- Click OK.
- Click Yes to save the changes to the Surfer.set file.
Updated September 3, 2020
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