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- Click the Viewer Window module in the Network Manager.
- In the Property Manager click the General tab
- Adjust the Vertical exaggeration value (shown in image below).
This image is sample file Helens (ContourMap).voxb with a vertical exaggeration of 5. (Found here: C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Voxler 4\Samples)
More information is available about the Vertical Exaggeration in Voxler's Help. If you would like to use axes and still use the effect of the Vertical Exaggeration, you will need to use a Transform module.
Using a Transform module:
The Transform module performs the scaling on the data instead of stretching the entire scene in the Z direction. The same project is shown below but is scaled using the Transform module instead of the Vertical exaggeration control; notice the difference in the way the Z axis is displayed.
The Transform module needs to appear before the Graphics output module and after the module that is being transformed. For the example below, the following steps were completed:
- Right click over the StHelens.grd module.
- Click Computational | Transform.
- Click the Transform module in the Network Manager and connect it to the HeightField module.
- With the Transform module still selected, change the Z field in the Scale section on the Transform tab.
Same file as above, this time with a Transform module where the Z Scale has been set to 5.
More information about using the Transform module can be found in Voxler's help.
Updated July 22, 2019
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