Reduce the number of points in a polyline using Didger

KB no longer maintained - Didger is a Legacy Product. Legacy Products are still supported, but no longer receive new features or updates. The majority of Didger's features have been moved to Surfer. Please contact with any questions.


To reduce the number of points in a polyline in Didger, you can:


  • Resample the polyline
    1. Select the line.
    2. Click Draw | Resample Polyline.
    3. In the Resample Polyline dialog,
      1. Select your resampling direction.
      2. Enter your starting, ending, and increment values.
      3. Uncheck Create New Line.
      4. Click OK.

  • Thin the polyline
    1. Select the polyline.
    2. Click Draw | Thin and Smooth.
    3. In the Line Thinning and Smoothing dialog,
      1. Choose one of the four thinning/smoothing options in the Select Method section.
      2. Enter the desired Removal Rate.
      3. Click Preview to get a look at the result without closing the dialog, or click OK to accept the settings and close the dialog.


Updated July 16, 2018

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