Save and load different project defaults using SET files in Surfer

Surfer defaults are saved to a SET file that can be renamed and loaded for different projects and workflows. These defaults save formatting information such as Fonts, linestyles, colors, etc

Surfer SET file location

The Surfer SET file, which stores Surfer's defaults, is located in the AppData folder.  To view this location, hidden files and folders must be visible in Windows. The full file path to the set file is:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Golden Software\Surfer\ 

The <username> folder in the path above will be your user name on the computer.


How to save a SET file

  1. Locate the surfer.set file on the computer. The location for the surfer.set file depends on your Operating System. Please see: Surfer SET file location
  2. Create a copy the original surfer.set file and change the file name (i.e. surfer_original.set).
  3. Open Surfer and click File | Defaults.
  4. Make the desired changes to the defaults.
  5. Click OK to save the changes to the surfer.set file.
  6. Create a copy the new surfer.set file and change the file name (i.e. project_1.set).


How to load a SET file: 

  1. Click File | Defaults.
  2. Click the Change Filename button to the right of the Current Setting File name.
  3. Select the SET file to use and click Open.
  4. Click OK.


You can also load it on the command line or include this information in the Surfer icon/shortcut. This will start Surfer with the specified SET file. For example:

      "C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Surfer\Surfer.exe" /set


where C:\temp\ is the directory the SET file is located in.  Change this to the actual directory that you use for the SET file you wish to load.


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