Create StreamLines in Voxler

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The Streamlines module requires an input lattice with 1, 2, or 3 components.
For a one-component lattice,
  1. Use the File | Import command to import the data file.
  2. In the Property Manager, verify the Output Type is Points and the Component column is 1.
  3. Right click on the data module in the Network Manager and click Computational | Gridder.
  4. Select the Gridder module in the Network Manager and click the Begin Gridding button in the Property Manager.
  5. Right click on the Gridder module in the Network Manager and click Graphics Output | StreamLines.

For a two-component lattice,
  1. Use the File | Import command to import the data file.
  2. In the Property Manager, verify the Output Type is Points and the Component column is 2.
  3. Right click on the data module in the Network Manager and click Computational | Gridder.
  4. Select the Gridder module in the Network Manager.
  5. Set the Input component in the Property Manager to the first component column and click the Begin Gridding button.
  6. Right click on the data module in the Network Manager and click Computational | Gridder.
  7. Select this new Gridder module in the Network Manager.
  8. Set the Input component in the Property Manager to the second component column and click the Begin Gridding button.
  9. Right click on the first Gridder module in the Network Manager and click Computational | Math.
  10. In the Network Manager, click and drag your cursor from the the output arrow on the right side of the second Gridder module to the input arrow on the left side of the Math module.
  11. Click Connect Input Lattice B (not connected).
  12. Select the Math module in the Network Manager.
  13. In the Property Manager, on the General page, increase the Output components to 2 and verify Expression [1] is set to A and type B into Expression [2].
  14. Right click on the Math module in the Network Manager and click Graphics Output | StreamLines.

For a three-component lattice, 
  1. Use the File | Import command to import the data file.
  2. In the Property Manager, verify the Output Type is Points and the Component column is 3.
  3. Right click on the data module in the Network Manager and click Computational | Gridder.
  4. Select the Gridder module in the Network Manager.
  5. Set the Input component in the Property Manager to the first component column and click the Begin Gridding button.
  6. Right click on the data module in the Network Manager and click Computational | Gridder.
  7. Select this new Gridder module in the Network Manager.
  8. Set the Input component in the Property Manager to the second component column and click the Begin Gridding button.
  9. Right click on the data module in the Network Manager and click Computational | Gridder.
  10. Select this newest Gridder module in the Network Manager.
  11. Set the Input component in the Property Manager to the third component column and click the Begin Gridding button.
  12. Right click on the first Gridder module in the Network Manager and click Computational | Math.
  13. In the Network Manager, click and drag your cursor from the the output arrow on the right side of the second Gridder module to the input arrow on the left side of the Math module.
  14. Click Connect Input Lattice B (not connected).
  15. In the Network Manager, click and drag your cursor from the the output arrow on the right side of the third Gridder module to the input arrow on the left side of the Math module.
  16. Click Connect Input Lattice C (not connected).
  17. Select the Math module in the Network Manager.
  18. In the Property Manager, on the General page, increase the Output components to 2 and verify Expression [1] is set to A, type B into Expression [2], and type C into Expression [3].
  19. Right click on the Math module in the Network Manager and click Graphics Output | StreamLines.


Updated August 16, 2018

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