KB no longer maintained - Voxler is a retired product. Golden Software retired products are still supported, but no longer receive new features or updates. Many of Voxler's features are moving to Surfer . Please contact support@goldensoftware.com with any questions. |
To import a SEGY file into Voxler:
- Click File | Import select your SEGY file, and click the Open button.
- In the SEGY Import Options dialog, select Detect from Header or Use Default in the Data Type section.
- Select Curvilinear model in the Import format section.
- Click the OK button and the data loads into Voxler.
- To visualize the data, right click on the data in the Network window and click Graphics Output | ObliqueImage module to display the data.
Note from Voxler's Online Help:
The SEGY filter imports SEG-Y seismic data log files as point sets or two-dimensional lattices. Each SEG-Y file contains one or more "traces," which are digital representations of amplitude samples as recorded by a paper tape seismic recorder (or modern paperless equivalent).
File name extensions: [.SGY, .SEGY]
Format(s) Supported for Import:
- 2D uniform lattice; 8-,16-bit integer, float
- Point set; 8-,16-bit integer, float
Updated August 6, 2018
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