View 3D seismic volume (SEGY) in Voxler

KB no longer maintained - Voxler is a retired product. Golden Software retired products are still supported, but no longer receive new features or updates. Many of Voxler's features are moving to Surfer . Please contact with any questions.

To import a SEGY file into Voxler:

  1. Click File | Import select your SEGY file, and click the Open button.
  2. In the SEGY Import Options dialog, select Detect from Header or Use Default in the Data Type section. 
  3. Select Curvilinear model in the Import format section.
  4. Click the OK button and the data loads into Voxler.
  5. To visualize the data, right click on the data in the Network window and click Graphics Output | ObliqueImage module to display the data.


Note from Voxler's Online Help:

The SEGY filter imports SEG-Y seismic data log files as point sets or two-dimensional lattices. Each SEG-Y file contains one or more "traces," which are digital representations of amplitude samples as recorded by a paper tape seismic recorder (or modern paperless equivalent).

File name extensions: [.SGY, .SEGY]

Format(s) Supported for Import:

  • 2D uniform lattice; 8-,16-bit integer, float
  • Point set; 8-,16-bit integer, float


Updated August 6, 2018


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