Automatically create a Strater scheme for all the entries in a keyword column

Strater is a retired.
Strater is officially retired, but you can still purchase additional licenses. Strater is sold as-is and will not receive updates, fixes, or new features.
We will continue to provide limited email-only support for as long as possible. Please contact with any questions.


To automatically create a scheme from a column in the data table:
  1. Right click on the data column header (i.e. the keyword column header) and click Create Scheme.
  2. The New Scheme dialog box opens. It will be automatically filled in with the appropriate information. If desired, you can change the Scheme Name and/or the Scheme Type.
  3. Click OK. The scheme is automatically created with all the keywords in your data column.


You can edit the item properties by clicking Home | Display | Scheme Editor. In the Scheme Editor, open the keyword scheme in the Keyword folder, select each item on the left, and edit the properties for that item on the right. When you are finished, click OK.


Updated: April 30, 2018

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