Set a permanent scale in Strater and have the starting/ending borehole depths change according to the data

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Strater is officially retired, but you can still purchase additional licenses. Strater is sold as-is and will not receive updates, fixes, or new features.
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If you want to use Collars Table or Automatic for the Depth Settings scaling source, but have Strater use the same scale for all logs, this can be easily done in Strater 2 and above.
  1. Click View | Display | View Properties (in Strater 3 and 4 the command is View | View Properties).
  2. Set the Depth settings to Collars Table or Automatic.
  3. Uncheck the box next to Auto-recalculate scale. Now you have full control over the scale, while the starting and ending borehole depths are controlled by the collars table or automatically.
  4. Set the Scaling depth per inch you want for the logs. Now when you change the Hole ID, the scale remains the same even if the Starting borehole depth/Ending borehole depth change.


Updated: June 29, 2018

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