Put text items on two lines for a linked text object in Strater

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If you want your text to split after a specific word, you can include math text commands in your data table entry to position the text so that it is in multiple lines when you create a linked text item.


The commands of interest are:

  • \n = this creates a new line, below the existing line and aligned with the beginning of the existing line. This was not available prior to Strater 5.
  • \sp1 = this remembers the location of the character immediately following the command
  • \rp1 = this returns to the space remembered with the \sp1 command
  • \dn100 = this lowers the text by 100% of the current font size


The important thing to remember with math text is to always include a space after the command. So, \n is actually type in as "\n ".


An example using \n is:

  • Here is a multiple line \n text field that uses \n linked text from a worksheet \n with n


An example using the other commands (\sp1, \rp1, \dn100) is:

  • \sp1 Here is a multiple line \rp1 \dn100 text field that uses \rp1 \dn200 linked text from a worksheet \rp1 \dn300 with sp, rp, dn


If you type the above into at data table, the corresponding linked text objects would be:

  • Here is a multiple line
  • text field that uses
  • linked text from a worksheet
  • with n
  • Here is a multiple line
  • text field that uses
  • linked text from a worksheet
  • with sp, rp, dn


Alternatively, if you just want to split your linked text at a certain text box width, you can use the Wrap Text command in Strater 4 or 5. To do so:

  1. Select the linked text object.
  2. In the Property Manager check the box next to Wrap text.
  3. Set the desired Wrap width.
  4. You can turn off or on the option to Keep whole word when possible by unchecking or checking that option. This just specifies whether words will be split in the middle or fully moved to the next line.


Updated September 10, 2018


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