Calculate Slope of Data Distribution in Grapher

For any line/scatter plot in Grapher, you can use a linear fit curve to calculate the slope of the data distribution. 


Grapher scatter plot with linear fit curve and statistics
The statistics for the linear fit curve display the slope of the equation.


The following steps can be used to add a linear fit curve and determine the slope of the line:

  1. Click on the Line/Scatter Plot in the Object Manager to select it.
  2. Click Graph Tools | Add to graph | Fit Curve. By default, a linear fit will be applied.
  3. Click on the Linear Fit in the Object Manager to select it.
  4. In the Property Manager, click on the Plot tab.
  5. Click the Insert button next in the Insert into plot document field.
  6. Click in the Plot window where you want the text to appear. The equation is in the form Y = M*X+B where M is the slope the line.


Updated May 2023

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