Add Grid Lines to a Graph in Grapher

Grid lines in Grapher are properties of the axes. You can add grid lines to your plot from the Line page of the Property Manager.
  1. Create the graph as normal using the appropriate Home | New Graph command.
  2. Click on X Axis 1 in the Object Manager or in the plot window to select it.
  3. In the Property Manager, click on the Line tab.
  4. In the Grid Line Properties section, check the box in the Major tick grid line field.
  5. If you want grid lines at the minor tick marks, check the box in the Minor tick grid line option.
  6. Repeat steps 2-6 for Y Axis 1, if needed.
  7. If multiple plots are sharing the same axis, check the box in the Share grid lines option to apply those grid line properties across all plots sharing the axis.


If desired, you can also change the line properties for both major and minor grid lines in the Grid Line Properties section. The Major grid line properties section will appear when the grids lines are turned on.


Updated May 2023

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