Assign Coordinate Data to an Imported Image in Grapher

You can import an image into Grapher and click to assign coordinates to it. To do this, you first need to calibrate the image in Grapher, then digitize it. Images in Grapher can only be calibrated using linear coordinates.

To assign coordinate data to an image:

  1. Click the File | Import command.
  2. In the Import dialog, select the image and click Open.
  3. Click on the image to select it.
  4. Click the Insert | Image Editing | Assign Coordinates command. This command will allow you to click on the screen and assign real graph coordinates to the image.
  5. Click OK in the dialog that appears.
  6. Click on the image in a location where you know the X and Y values for the image. This could be on an axis, tick mark, or grid line intersection.
  7. In the Assign Coordinates dialog, type the X and Y values and click OK.
  8. Click OK in the new dialog.
  9. Repeat steps 6-8. You may need to repeat these steps a few times to get points that are not in a line.
  10. When you are no longer prompted for data points, click the Insert | Image Editing | Digitize command.
  11. Click on the image where you want a data point. A report window appears with the X and Y coordinates of the point you clicked.
  12. Repeat step 11 until all data points are displayed in the report window.
  13. Press the ESC key on the keyboard to end digitizing mode.

    Note: The report window can be saved as a data file. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the data into a worksheet window. This data file can be used to create a new graph.


Updated May 2023

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