Create a classed ScatterPlot in Voxler

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Voxler 4 offers the ability to classify or "bin" point data that is being rendered by a ScatterPlot module. Voxler offers 2 different binning methods for the data, Equal Bins and Equal Interval. It is also possible to set the number of classes and change the symbol properties for each class individually.

To classify or bin ScatterPlot data:

  1. Open the project that contains the point data or ScatterPlot that you want to bin.
  2. Add a ScatterPlot module to the data by selecting it in the Network Manager, right-clicking, and choosing Graphics Output | ScatterPlot.
  3. Select the ScatterPlot in the Network Manager.
  4. In the Property Manager, click the General tab.
  5. Under Classification, change Method to Binning.
  6. Next to Binning click the Edit Classes button.
  7. In the Edit Classes dialog, select either Equal Bins or Equal Interval for the Binning method.
  8. Set the Number of classes as desired.
  9. In the Edit Classes dialog, double-click on one of the classes to edit the symbol properties of that class.
  10. In the Edit Symbol dialog, adjust the Symbol, Color and Size as desired and click OK.
  11. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for the remaining classes.
  12. Click OK in the Edit Classes dialog to save the changes.

Edit Classes


Updated May 31, 2018

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