Export an image with a transparent background from Voxler 4

KB no longer maintained - Voxler is a retired product. Golden Software retired products are still supported, but no longer receive new features or updates. Many of Voxler's features are moving to Surfer . Please contact support@goldensoftware.com with any questions.
Voxler 4 can export GIF, PNG, and TIF images from a Voxler project with a transparent background. To export a GIF, PNG, or TIF with a transparent background, use these steps:
  1. Click File | Export.
  2. In the Export dialog, name the file, change the Save as type to GIF, PNG, or TIF, and click OK.
  3. In the Export Options dialog, select the Size and Color tab, and change the Color depth to 32-bit color w/alpha (For GIF use 8-bit color indexed).
  4. In the Export Options dialog, select the GIF, PNG, or TIF Options tab, check Application background (if available) (for PNG check Use application-supplied background (if available)) and click OK.


Please note earlier versions of Voxler do not have this capability.


Updated June 6, 2018

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