Surfer workflows can be automated using a Python script. Several Python script snippets for common workflows are provided below.
- Start Surfer
- Call the Surfer application
- Create and edit a vector map
- Grid data
- Call Surfer, grid data, and create a contour map
- Print all SRF files in a directory to PDF
Please note that we only offer support for automation of Surfer through Scripter, and we are unable to provide assistance in Python or any other programming language. |
Start Surfer
import win32com.client def main(): app = win32com.client.Dispatch("Surfer.Application") plot = app.Documents.Add(1) app.Visible = True main()
Call the Surfer application
Surfer = win32com.client.Dispatch("Surfer.Application") Grid = Surfer.NewGrid() Grid.LoadFile("c:/test/test.grd", HeaderOnly=True) print "BlankValue" + str(Grid.BlankValue) print "NumCols" + str(Grid.NumCols) print "NumRows" + str(Grid.NumRows)
Create and edit a vector map
import constants, Dispatch, CastTo import os.path def rgb(r, g, b): return b << 16 / g < 0: level.ShowLabel = True mapframe = plot.Shapes.AddVectorMap(GridFileName1=grid2, GridFileName2=grid3, CoordSys=constants.srfVecPolar, AngleSys=constants.srfVecAngle) vectormap = CastTo(mapframe.Overlays(1), 'IVectorMap') orange = rgb(255, 102, 0) vectormap.ColorMap.SetNodes(Positions=[0.0, 1.0], Colors=[orange]*2) vectormap.ColorScaleMethod = constants.srfVecMagnitude plot.Shapes.SelectAll() plot.Selection.OverlayMaps() plot.SaveAs(output) plot.Export(exportfile)
Grid data
import glob import datetime #call this script like this: #\programs\python25\python.exe #get an instance of the Surfer application #Surfer = win32com.client.Dispatch('Surfer.Application') lFile = glob.glob('wl*.csv') for i in range(len(lFile)): #the min and max listed below are center coordinates while gdal_grid uses edge #coordinates sFilePrefix = lFile[i][:lFile[i].index('.')] Surfer.GridData(DataFile = lFile[i], xCol = 1, yCol = 2, zCol = 3, NumCols = 4133, NumRows = 3017, xMin = 455355, xMax = 579315, yMin = 1954585, yMax = 2045065, ShowReport = False, DupMethod = win32com.client.constants.srfDupAvg, OutFmt = win32com.client.constants.srfGridFmtBinary, OutGrid = '%s.grd' %sFilePrefix) print 'finished kriging %s at %s' % (lFile[i], datetim{source}
*This example was provided by a customer
Call Surfer, grid data, and create a contour map
def main(): app = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Surfer.Application') Plot = app.Documents.Add(1) app.Visible = True DataFile = "C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Surfer 12\Samples\demogrid.dat" OutFile = "C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Surfer 12\Samples\outgrid.grd" app.GridData (DataFile=DataFile, Algorithm = win32com.client.constants.srfMinCurvature, NumRows=150, NumCols=150, ShowReport=False, OutGrid= OutFile) #Creates a contour map and assigns the map frame to the variable "MapFrame" MapFrame = Plot.Shapes.AddContourMap(GridFileName=OutFile) #Changes the limits and scale of the map MapFrame.SetLimits (xMin=0.5, xMax=4.5, yMin=0.5, yMax=3.5) MapFrame.xLength=6 MapFrame.yLength=4 #Declares ContourMap as an Object and assigns the contour map to variable "ContourMap" ContourMap = MapFrame.Overlays(1) main()
Print all SRF files in a directory to PDF
- The script below should be placed in a working directory with many SRF files and the script will open, print to PDF in a PDF directory, then close the file. No changes made to the file. You will overwrite PDFs if you run back to back.
- This script was created by Corey Scheip – AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina
import win32com.client # If this fails, you must install Module pywin32 import sys, os # Create Application Object surf = win32com.client.Dispatch("Surfer.Application") surf.Visible = False # Get list of files from working directory pwd = os.Path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) fileList = os.listdir(pwd) # Check For PDF directory outDir = os.Path.join(pwd, 'pdf') If Not os.Path.isdir(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) Print ('PDF Directory created') # Now go through files, Open SRF And Print To PDF For fil In fileList: Print 'Checking file... ' + fil If fil.endswith('.srf'): # Name To use For printing printName = os.Path.basename(fil)[:-4] # Open Surfer file Print ' ...opening file...' CurrentDoc = surf.Documents.Open(os.Path.join(pwd, fil)) pdfFile = os.Path.join(outDir, printName + '.pdf') Print ' ...printing file...' CurrentDoc.Export2(pdfFile, False, True, "pdfv") # Close Surfer file CurrentDoc.Close()
- This script was created by Corey Scheip – AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina
Updated October 2021
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