Export 3D DXF file from Surfer with X, Y, Z coordinates of contour lines

To export contours to a 3D DXF file with X, Y, and Z values, you can use either the Export command or the Export Contours command.
The Export command exports the contour map with line and fill colors, line styles, labels and any other objects in the plot window. The contour level polylines/polygons have ZLEVEL attributes.
The Export Contours command only exports the contour lines themselves. No colors, labels or other objects are exported. The contour level polylines/polygons have ZLEVEL attributes.

To export contours using the Export command:

  1. Select the Contours layer in the Contents window.
  2. Click File | Export.
  3. Give the file a name, change the Save as type to DXF, check the box next to Selected objects only and click Save.
  4. In the Export Options dialog,
    1. On the Scaling page, set the Scaling source to Map.
    2. On the DXF Options page, select any options you wish.
    3. Click OK.

To export contours using the Export Contours command:

  1. Select the Contours layer in the Contents window.
  2. Click Map Tools | Layer Tools | Export Contours.
  3. In the Save As dialog, change the Save as type to AutoCAD DXF File, give the file a name and click Save.



Export Surfer contours to DXF files with x,y,z values for the contour lines.


Updated September 2, 2020

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