Export Surfer contour map to SHP with labels

A limitation of the SHP file format is that it does not support text objects, however, text can be exported to SHP files as polygons. To do this, check the Render text check box on the SHP Options page in the Export Options dialog. The text-shaped polygons will be exported to the polygon SHP file.

Updated November 18, 2019

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  • How can I export Labels by automation?

    ExportContour doesn't allow me to access the Export options to make Render Text = 1

    I can't export labels of a contour map using Export or Export2

  • Hi Sharon,

    Thank you for contacting Surfer technical support.  The Export Contours command is designed to export only the contour lines with the associated Z value.  This is the case both in the user interface and via automation.  However, Surfer 12 and newer versions include the Z value during any export of a contour map.  Therefore, the Export2 command should include the ZLEVEL attribute and I have confirmed this in my testing.  Please note that the text will be exported to a second SHP file with Poly added to the end of the file name.

    To update your script, I would recommend changing line 33 to 

    ContourLayer.Export2(FileName:="z:\GWM_Schwetzingen\P01_Programme\GRD to SHP\SHP\"+schicht+"_major.shp", SelectionOnly:=True, Options:="RenderText=1, ScalingSource=1”, FilterId:=”shp")

    My colleague, Katie, has replied to your email with this information as well. If you have any additional questions, please reply to her email. 

    Thank you,

    Brittany Bodane

    Golden Software


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