Display a lattice or 3D grid in Voxler

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A Voxler lattice is a regularly-spaced, 3-dimensional array of nodes, each with its own component value in addition to its x, y, and z spatial coordinates. This array can be thought of as a stack of planes with either transverse (xy), coronal (xz), or sagittal (yz) orientation. These orientations can have other names dependent on the scientific discipline involved.


Voxler can display any of the data values of any of these panes by attaching an Info module to the Gridder module that defines the lattice. The Info module can be created by following these steps:

  1. Right click on the Gridder in the Network Window and clicking General Modules | Info.
  2. Select the Info module.
  3. Click the View Data button in the Property Manager

This opens the Lattice View dialog, which displays the component value for each node along the first xy plane. You can then change the orientation of the plane, the index of the plane along that orientation, and the data value that is being displayed for each node. For information about using the Lattice View dialog press the F1 keyboard key while the dialog is active.


To visually represent the lattice, attach a ScatterPlot module to the Gridder module. In the corresponding Property Manager you will be able to adjust the size or frequency of the scatter plot nodes to make the internal structure of the lattice more apparent.


Updated July 17, 2018

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