Strater is a retired. |
- In Strater 5, click File | Import Graphic and the image will be directly imported to the borehole view where you can move and resize it.
- In Strater 3 and 4, click File | Import and the image will be directly imported to the borehole view where you can move and resize it.
- In Strater 2, click File | Import then draw a rectangle around where you want the image to be placed in the log pane, select the desired image in the Import dialog and click Open. The image is imported. You can move it around or resize it in the log pane to exactly what you want.
If you have multiple images that you want displayed at specific depth intervals (ie. photos of core or rock samples), you can create a graphic log. This log type is based on intervals, so the data must be saved in an interval type table, with To/From columns specifying the depth interval in which the image should be displayed, and a column containing the image file path. You can either type in the file path (i.e. c:\temp\well1.jpg) or you can right click over the cell, click Get Image File Name. The steps to create a Graphic Log in Strater 5, see the steps below:
Click the Log | Create Log | Graphic command.
Click inside the log pane where you want the graphic log to appear.
In the Open dialog, click on the data file. If the data was already imported, click on the table name in the Use Current Table section. Click Open.
Set the data importing options in the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, if necessary, and click Next.
Finish the importing of data in the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog and click Finish.
The log appears in the borehole window.
If you are in Active Mode a graphic log is created using the default properties. If you are in Design Mode, a graphic log graphic is displayed as a place holder after step 2.
For more details on this work flow in previous versions of Strater, please see the attached old newsletter article Importing Image Files into Strater's Log Pane.
Updated: April 2, 2018
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