Reshape the Strater cross section layers


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When you click on a layer in a cross section (either in the Object Manager or in the view window), and click Draw | Tools | Reshape, Strater enters "reshape mode". In this mode, you see all the nodes that make up the layer polygon. From this mode, you can reshape the layer to any shape you want by moving, adding or deleting the nodes. There are a few functions here that are useful for reshaping the layers:
  • Click and drag a node and move it.
  • Select a node and press DELETE on the keyboard to remove it. You must have at least 3 nodes in your layer though, so if you are trying to delete the third-to-last node, you will be unable to do so.
  • Insert a new node by holding CTRL and clicking.
  • If a node is shared (it affects more than one layer), you can separate it by holding SHIFT and then moving the node. This is useful when editing pinchout nodes.
  • If you wish to share a node, you can holding ALT then click and drag a node to snap it to the nearest node.


To exit reshape mode, press the ESC key on the keyboard, or double click in empty white space (either outside the page margin or where there are no objects). double_pinch-out_reshape.jpg

To reshape the double-pinchout tan layer, hold the SHIFT key down and then move the node shared by the two pinchouts. Then hold the CTRL key down and click to insert some new nodes, and click and drag the new nodes to move them. Press ESC to exit reshape mode.


See also the fifth page of Lesson 7 in the Tutorial: Reshaping the Cross Section Connections


Updated: October 6, 2016

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