Work with 3D vector objects including polylines, polygons, and polymesh in Surfer

You can now use 3D SHP, DXF, BLN files (and more) for geoprocessing and grid editing functions in Surfer! We've made your life easier with the ability to edit Z values right in the Property Manager, convert between 2D and 3D objects seamlessly and even transform a 2D object to 3D by importing Z values.

3D objects will be rendered the same as 2D objects in the Plot window, but are viewable in a true 3D environment in Surfer's 3D View. Learn more in the article Display 3D Base(vector) polygons and polylines in the 3D View in Surfer


With 3D objects you can: 

  1. Display and edit Z coordinates in the Properties window
  2. Convert between 2D and 3D geometry and view as 3D objects in the 3D View
  3. View the number of vertices and rings of 3D objects in the Properties
  4. Use 3D objects to perform grid processing functions
  5. Use 3D objects to perform geoprocessing functions

1. Display and edit Z coordinates in the Properties window

You can now view and edit Z coordinates on the Coordinates tab of the Properties window. See how in the following steps: 

  1. Select the object in the Contents or Plot window. 
  2. In the Properties window, click the Coordinates tab. 
  3. Delete the existing value and enter the new value.



2. Convert between 2D and 3D geometry without losing the Z values using the Features | Change | Change To command. If your data is 2D but has a Z value in the attribute table, Surfer will automatically apply the Z values from the attribute table to the Z coordinate, and vice versa if moving from a 3D object to a 2D object. 


Convert between 2D and 3D objects using the steps below:

  1. Import your data by clicking Home | New Map | Base select the vector file and click Open. 
  2. Click the plus sign next to the Base layer in the Contents window to expand it. 
  3. Click the object(s) you'd like to convert. If you'd like to select multiple objects, hold CTRL or SHIFT on your keyboard. 
  4. Click Features | Change | Change To and select the object type you'd like to convert to. Z values are retained when moving between types. 

3. View the number of vertices and rings on the Info tab of a 3D object. See the steps below:

  1. Import your data by clicking Home | New Map | Base select the vector file and click Open. 
  2. Click the plus sign next to the Base layer in the Contents window to expand it. 
  3. Click the object of interest. 
  4. In the Properties window, click the Info tab. 


4. Use 3D objects with the following grid processing functions: 

  • Assign NoData
  • Grid from Contours
  • Calculate Volume
  • Slice 
  • Grid Info 

5. Use 3D objects to perform the following geoprocessing functions: 

  • Connect polylines
  • Break polylines
  • Reshape
  • Buffer


Updated December 20, 2021

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