Surfer's 3D view gives you the ability to visualize a your drillhole data in true 3D. Create a drillhole layer in the 2D map view and then view the drillhole in the 3D View along with its data content (e.g. contaminant concentration, mineralization concentration, assay results, geophysical properties, etc.) Drillhole paths, data points and intervals can be displayed and colorized by data values.
There are 3 ways to display your well data in Surfer's 3D View and each requires a different type of data. Paths can be displayed from only collars or collars and survey data. Points require a point data survey to be imported and Intervals require an interval data survey to be imported.
View your drillhole layer in 3D
- Select your drillhole map and click Map Tools | View | 3D View. The drillholes along with any other map layers will be displayed in the 3D View.
Drillhole Paths
By default, the drillhole paths will be displayed in white. The paths are calculated using the depth, azimuth, and inclination values specified in the collars or survey tables. The TVD calculation method can be adjusted in the properties for the 2D drillhole layer.
To adjust the display of the drillhole paths:
- Select the Drillhole layer in the Contents window of the 3D view.
- On the Path page in the Properties window, check or uncheck the Show paths box as desired.
Select the Color and Opacity of the path.
Set the Size of the path. The size is the radius of the path cylinder in a 0-100 scaling, where the units are proportional to the map’s x-axis range.
Survey Points
If point data was imported in the 2D view, the points can be displayed as symbols in the 3D view.
To display points along your well paths:
- Select the Drillhole layer in the Contents window of the 3D view.
- On the Points page in the Properties window, check the Show points check box.
- Click in the Field list to select the data to display.
- Set the Frequency of point symbols to display. For example, 50% displays half of the points.
- Select the symbol to use for the points from the Symbol list.
Select either Fixed or By data for the Sizing method. This sets the size of the symbols, which ranges from 0 to 1.
- Fixed creates point symbols that are the same specified size. After selecting Fixed, use the Size property to define the point size.
- By data creates point symbols using data in the field selected in the Field property. After selecting By data, use the Minimum Size and Maximum Size properties to set the size range.
- Select either Fixed or By data for the Color method. This sets the color of the symbols.
- Fixed makes all symbols the same specified color. After selecting Fixed, select a color from the Color property.
- By data uses the data in the field selected in the Field property to color the point data. After selecting By data, use the Colormap property to select the colormap.
Survey Intervals
If interval data was imported in the 2D view, the intervals can be displayed in the 3D view.
To display interval data along your well paths:
- Select the Drillhole layer in the Contents window of the 3D view.
- On the Intervals page in the Properties window, check the Show intervals check box to display the intervals.
- Select the data the intervals should display from the Field list.
- Select either Fixed or By data for a Sizing method for the radius/width of the cylinder. The size range is 0-100, and the units are proportional to the map’s x-axis range.
- Fixed makes all intervals the same specified size. After selecting Fixed, define a size in the Size control.
- By data uses the data in the field selected in the Field property. After selecting By data, use the Minimum Size and Maximum Size properties to set the size range.
- Select either Fixed or By data for the Color method. This sets the color of the intervals.
- Fixed makes all intervals the same specified color. After selecting Fixed, select a color from the Color property.
- By data uses the data in the field selected in the Field property to color the point data. After selecting By data, use the Colormap property to select the colormap.
Keywords (Lithology)
If text based keyword data such as lithology was imported in the 2D view, the keyword intervals can be displayed in the 3D view.
To display keyword interval data along your well paths:
- Select the Drillhole layer in the Contents window of the 3D view.
- On the Keywords page in the Properties window, check the Show keywords box.
- Click in the Field list to select the data to display.
- Set the Size of the path. The size is the radius of the path cylinder in a 0-100 scaling, where the units are proportional to the map’s x-axis range.
- Click Edit Symbology to select the colors assigned to each keyword.
Drillhole Labels
Use the Label properties to define the paths for identification or annotation.
To display labels:
- Select the Drillhole layer in the Contents window of the 3D view.
- On the Label page in the Properties window, check the Show labels check box to display labels.
- From the Field list, select the field to display as the label. The list of available fields are taken from the data imported into the Collars table.
- In the Position list, select a Left, Center, or Right position of the label relative to the drillhole. Use the X offset, Y offset, and Z offset boxes to enter a specific, user-defined position.
- Use the Font properties to define the font of the label.
- Use the Label format properties to define the format of the labels in the map.
- Check the Show leader lines check box to create a tie line between the label and the center top of the drillhole it is attached to.
- Use the Width control to set the width the leader line.
- Use Color to define the color of the leader line.
Are we able to contour the any data when in the 3D drill hole mode?
IE similar to Voxler but using the surfer system where we can orientate the long axis direction.
Hi Allan,
Currently this isn't possible, but I've added your vote for this functionality to our feature request file.
Golden Software
*** New Feature Updates ***
If you have any questions about these features or other capabilities in Surfer, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
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