Export Surfer base map from SHP to DXF with proper Z values

For objects in a base layer, Surfer can use an attribute as the Z value for those objects when exporting to a DXF file, but only if that attribute is named ZLEVEL. If this attribute is called anything else, it is not exported as the Z value for the DXF file. To export the DXF with Z values:

  1. Select your Base(vector) layer in the Contents window.
  2. Click Map Tools | Layer Tools | Open Attribute Table.
  3. In the Attribute Table dialog, select the column containing your z values.
  4. Click the Rename Field () icon.
  5. Delete the existing Attribute name and enter ZLEVEL.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click X to close the Attribute Table.
  8. Click File | Export.
  9. Change the Save as type to DXF AutoCAD DXF Drawing (*.dxf), give your file a name, and click Save.
  10. If desired, in the Export Options dialog set the Scaling source to your map, and then click OK.


The exported DXF should now contain the proper Z values.


Updated December 2021

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